"..... To son Isaac Bailey to take care of my wife Mary Bailey as long as she is my widow.
To son John Bailey land I bought of William Richmond and Benjamin Richmond with all buildings and two wood lots. If he has died then to son Isaac Bailey. Also to son John my new gun and silver tankard and my Negro man Kuffe and 2 swine.
To daughter Deborah Gray £ 50, one cow, two large silver spoons and three small ones.
To son Isaac Bailey all rest and residue with all buildings, a set of silver buttons for coat pocket and britches, my silver headed sword, my meat chest and my carriage.
To son John to have the privilege to live in my now dwelling house as long as he is unmarried ...."
Proved 3 JUN 1777. Little Compton probate, book 2, page 367.1
His will, made 25 AUG 1813 and proved 6 OCT 1813, recorded book 4 page 437:
"To wife Sarah Bailey all chambers and rooms above stairs at the head of kitchen and privilege in garret and cellar wash house and improve as long as she is my widow.
To my daughter Mary Richmond to live with her if she outlives my widow, then she to have the use of the foregoing. I give her use and improvement of that part of homestead my son Peleg improves.
To three sons Abraham, Tillinghast and Peleg Bailey. To son Abraham all my homestead farm with all the buildings, salt marsh, and I give him three acres west end of pasture on White farm and 8 acres on White farm in pond meadow near Manchester pasture. To son Tillinghast Bailey all farm called White farm with buildings with the above exceptions and the right for his brother to pass over it for seaweed. To son Peleg land I bought of my brother John Bailey, with all buildings and also pasture to westward and northward of the highway on my homestead farm. And all the land I bought of the Widow Head and also salt meadow of my homestead farm.
To my three sons the land I bought of Mase Shepard.
To three daughters, Albigail Almy, Deborah Bartlett and Sarah Coe, 500 dollars.
To grandson Isaac Bailey Richmond 50 dollars.
To son Tillinghast my silver headed cane.
To wife the improvement of my books ...."1