BALCH--O. B. Balch, formerly of Oak Park, husband of the late Nonie; father of Avery Balch, Chicago; Esther Hauser, Elgin; Morton Balch, Monterey, Cal.; Vernon Balch, River Forest. Memorial services 1:30 p. m. Saturday, April 23, First Congregational church, Oak Park. Please omit flowers. Memorials may be sent to the deacon's son, First Congregational church, Oak Park.
--Chicago Tribune, 22 Apr 1955, pg. C11.6
Added by Dave H
Vernon Stephenson Balch
BIRTH 11 Nov 1906
Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA
DEATH 17 Jan 1965 (aged 58)
River Forest, Cook County, Illinois, USA
Forest Home Cemetery
Forest Park, Cook County, Illinois, USA
PLOT Section 5
MEMORIAL ID 115667719 · View Source
Vernon Stephenson Balch Dies; Life-Time Resident of Villages
Vernon Stephenson Balch, 58, of Park avenue, River Forest, passed away in his home January 17 after an illness of several months. He was a life-time resident of Oak Park and River Forest.
Born in Oak Park, Mr. Balch was a 1924 graduate of Oak Park - River Forest high school, and a classmate of his wife, the former Anna Arminger. He obtained his B.A. degree, from Beloit college in 1928.
A member of First Presbyterian church of River Forest and the River Forest Tennis club, he was involved in personnel and industrial relations work in the Chicago area for many years.
Surviving in addition to his widow are a daughter, Mrs. David Lane (Eleanor) Mathews of Tyler, Tex.; a son, Charles Arminger Balch of the home address; and three grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Thursday, January 19, at the Presbyterian church with Dr. Charles Ferguson Ball officiating. Burial was in Forest Home cemetery.
—Oak Leaves (Oak Park, IL) 28 Jan 1965, pg. 24
[Courtesy, Findagrave contributor Debbie B.].2