My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 1,871

Brian Conway1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S7005] Find A Grave: Brig Gen Wm C Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Arneytown, New Jersey, Lyman G Fuller, created by 13th Generation Fairbanks in America, added Nov 2016, memorial number 172213982.

Harry Haywood1

#46752, (about 1871-)
Pedigree Link


  • Harry Haywood was born about 1871 in New York.1
  • He married Grace Fuller, daughter of Newton Artemus Fuller and Mercy Caroline Goodridge, estimated 1911.1,2
  • Harry Haywood was a stenograher at the New York Stock Exchange.1
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of West 180th St, Manhattan, New York County, New York, enumerated on 17 January 1920. They rent their home.3

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S343] 1920 US Federal Census, Manhattan, New York County, New York, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Harry Haywood head of household, roll T625_1227, enumeration district 1510, page 16B .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S343] 1920 US Federal Census, Manhattan, New York County, New York, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Harry Haywood head of household, roll T625_1227, assembly district 23, enumeration district 1510, page 16B .

Anna Armiger1

#46753, (1906-2000)
Pedigree Link

Children with Vernon Stephenson Balch (b. 11 November 1906, d. 17 January 1965)

  1. Eleanor Balch
  2. Charles Armiger Balch


  • Anna Armiger was born on 7 May 1906.1
  • Father: Charles H Armiger (b 1868) - Mother: Ida Miller (b 1877.)1
  • She married Vernon Stephenson Balch, son of Oscar Burdett Balch and Nonie Julia Stephenson, in 1935.1
  • Vernon Stephenson Balch and Anna appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 452 Berkshire, Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois, enumerated on 29 April 1940. They own their home with a reported value of $10,000. Also listed with the family was Jennie Batchelor age 53 housemaid.2
  • She died on 12 May 2000 at age 94.1
  • She was buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois. Plot: Section 5.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S7008] Find A Grave: Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois, Anna Armanger Balch, created by Find A Grave, Dave H, added Aug 2013, memorial number 115667663.
  2. [S7009] 1940 US Federal Census, Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Vernon S Balch head of household, roll m-t0627-00784, enumeration district 16-352A, page 62B .

Eleanor Balch1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7008] Find A Grave: Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois, Vernon Stephenson Balch, created by Find A Grave, Dave H, added Aug 2013, memorial number 115667719.

David Lane Matthews1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S7008] Find A Grave: Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois, Vernon Stephenson Balch, created by Find A Grave, Dave H, added Aug 2013, memorial number 115667719.

Charles Armiger Balch1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7008] Find A Grave: Forest Home Cemetery, Forest Park, Illinois, Vernon Stephenson Balch, created by Find A Grave, Dave H, added Aug 2013, memorial number 115667719.

Ledyard Stevens Bowen1,2

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S6773] Maine Marriages 1892-1996, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2003 (Original publication: Maine Department of the Secretary of State, Maine Marriages 1892-1996, Maine State Archives).
  2. [S1352] The Bridgeport Post, Bridgeport, CT, also known as Notice of Probate Court, Newspaper, Ledyard Stevens Bowen and Diana Fenn wedding announcement, published 19 Aug 1958, p 22.

Clara Jane Towne1

#46758, (about 1839-1884)
Pedigree Link

Child with Loren Sargent Boynton (b. 11 May 1837, d. 14 February 1909)

  1. Harry Towne Boynton (b. 17 March 1879, d. 17 September 1955)


  • Clara Jane Towne was born about 1839 in Petersham, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Loren Sargent Boynton, son of Silas Boynton and Almira Sargent, on 16 May 1860 in Petersham, Massachusetts.1
  • Clara Jane Towne died on 1 December 1884 in Greenwich, Massachusetts, at age ~45.2
  • She was buried in Quabbin Park Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts.3

Other Information


  1. [S7010] Johnson, Phillip, compiler, family tree titled "Phil Johnson Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 10664962, viewed Apr 2020 , .
  2. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives vol 356, page 12.
  3. [S7011] Find A Grave: Quabbin Pak Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts, Clara Jane Towne Boynton, created by James Bianco, added Jun 2014, memorial number 131849601.

Harry Towne Boynton1

#46759, (1879-1955)
Pedigree Link



  • Harry Towne Boynton was born on 17 March 1879 in Enfield, Massachusetts.1
  • He married Mary C Grant in 1909.2
  • He died on 17 September 1955 in Westfield, Massachusetts, at age 76.1
  • He was buried in Quabbin Park Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts.3

Other Information


  1. [S7011] Find A Grave: Quabbin Pak Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts, Henry Towne Boynton, created by Alexis Yokum, Angie Robinson, added Aug 2013, memorial number 116263748.
  2. [S7011] Find A Grave: Quabbin Pak Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts, Mary C Grant Boynton, created by Alexis Yocom, Angie Robinson, added Aug 2013, memorial number 116263756.
  3. [S7011] Find A Grave: Quabbin Pak Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts, Harry Towne Boynton, created by Alexis Yokum, Angie Robinson, added Aug 2013, memorial number 116263748.

Mary C Grant1

#46760, (1882-1976)
Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7011] Find A Grave: Quabbin Pak Cemetery, Ware, Massachusetts, Mary C Grant Boynton, created by Alexis Yocom, Angie Robinson, added Aug 2013, memorial number 116263756.

Alice Brassard1

#46761, (about 1863-1928)
Pedigree Link


  • Alice Brassard was born about 1863 in Springfield, Massachusetts.1
  • Father: Joseph Brassard - Mother: Elizabeth Murray.2
  • She married Loren Sargent Boynton, son of Silas Boynton and Almira Sargent, on 15 October 1888 in Springfield, Massachusetts.1
  • Alice Brassard died on 6 April 1928 in Russell, Massachusetts, at age ~65.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives vol 388, page 492.
  2. [S4072] Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records 1620-1988, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2011, (Original publication: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts Massachusetts Vital and Town Records, Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook),).

Sybil Walley1

#46762, (estimated 1915-1960)
Pedigree Link

Children with Roy Gilbert Tuttle (b. 29 June 1917, d. 5 March 2000)

  1. Phyllis Dian Tuttle+ (b. 26 March 1944, d. 18 November 1978)
  2. Tom Tuttle


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Phyllis Dian Tuttle1,2

#46763, (1944-1978)
Pedigree Link
Phyllis Dian Tuttle Houston 1944-1983


Children with Robert Houston (b. 13 October 1943, d. July 1976)

  1. Judy Lynn Houston (b. 9 November 1964, d. 18 November 1978)
  2. Patricia Dian Houston (b. 9 November 1964, d. 18 November 1978)


  • Phyllis Dian Tuttle was born on 26 March 1944 in San Diego, California.2
  • She moved with her parents Roy and Sybil to California.1
  • Phyllis Dian Tuttle married Robert Houston estimated 1962.1,3
  • Phyllis and Robert were divorced estimated 1968.4
  • She died on 18 November 1978 in Guyana at age 34.1
  • She was with Jim Jones and his cult - they all died drinking Kool Aid.1
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, California. There is a plaque identifying all those who died.2
  • A Glimpse into the Life of Phyllis Tuttle Houston

    by Kenneth A. Odell

    I was a student at Capuchino High School in San Bruno, California, from 1957 until 1961. Two of my classmates were Robert H. (“Bobby”) Houston and Phyllis Tuttle. Bobby and I became best friends, although I lost touch with him after graduation. I knew Phyllis only casually, and never really had anything other than incidental contact with her. As best I can recall, Bobby and Phyllis were simply friends in high school, and their attachment to each other occurred later, after graduation. Bobby went to Cal to become a music teacher and later went to San Francisco State. He and Phyllis married while he was a student at Cal and had two daughters, Patty and Judy, whom I never met.

    Phyllis was a tall, quiet, rather introspective person, and did not project a very happy personality. I seem to recall she was in the Capuchino marching band, as were Bobby and I for the full four years.

    Capuchino was a typical suburban California high school in the 1950’s. The student body was very middle class, with few poor or wealthy students. It was predominantly Caucasian, with a few Asians and Latinos, and even fewer African American students. I believe that Phyllis came from one of those middle class families, which – in retrospect – were very conventional and rather boring. I perceived that Phyllis’s relationship with her parents and siblings (if any) was all right, and I don’t ever remember hearing any complaints from her about how she was treated.

    In his book Raven, Tim Reiterman relates that Phyllis and Bobby eventually experienced marital difficulties, which led to their divorce. Phyllis apparently became very involved in Peoples Temple, and she strongly rejected her parents’ attempt to talk to her about leaving. Since Phyllis had always been rather moody, this behavior came as no surprise to me.

    After Bobby’s death, his parents – the grandparents of Patty and Judy – also tried to intervene, to prevent Phyllis from sending the children to Jonestown. Since she was their mother and sole surviving parent, and had no inclination to take their advice, they had little recourse but to observe what happened.

    L to R: Patty Houston, Phyllis Houston, Carol Boyd, Rep. Leo Ryan, Judy Houston; Jonestown, November 18, 1978

    Phyllis’ final trip to Jonestown came in November 1978, when she flew to Guyana a few days ahead of Congressman Leo Ryan’s entourage. We know that Ryan’s interest in the Temple began when Sam Houston – Phyllis’ former father-in-law and a constituent of Ryan’s – met with the congressman over his concern about his granddaughters. While there is no proof of this, it is almost certain that Phyllis was summoned to Jonestown to stand alongside her daughters when they spoke with Ryan and were interviewed by the NBC News crew.

    Phyllis, Patty and Judy all died in Jonestown.

    (Kenneth A. Odell is a retired attorney. His other two stories in this edition of the jonestown report are Memories of My Best Friend, Robert Houston, Jr. and The Death of Robert H. Houston, Jr. He may be reached at


Phyllis was a follower of Jim Jones who started the Peoples Temple of the Disciple of Christ, which became popular in California in the 60s. It was a religious cult that was partly communist, and did good works with the poor. Her ex-husband Robert was bringing up her daughters with his wife Joyce Shaw. After he died the girls began living with Phyllis. Eventually, fearing persecution, Jim moved all his followers to Guyana.1,4

Other Information


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.
  2. [S7012] Rebecca Moore Site Manager, Fielding McGhee editor, San Diego State University hosting the site, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, a website commemorating the 900 people who died at Jonestown,, viewed Apr 2020.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S7013] Seattle Post-Intellegencer, Newspaper, newspaper article by Mike Lewis - "Jones disciple recovers from, recalls painful past", published 18 Nov 2003.

Tom Tuttle1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.

Esther Whipple1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy Gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.

Robert Houston1

#46766, (1943-1976)
Pedigree Link

Children with Phyllis Dian Tuttle (b. 26 March 1944, d. 18 November 1978)

  1. Judy Lynn Houston (b. 9 November 1964, d. 18 November 1978)
  2. Patricia Dian Houston (b. 9 November 1964, d. 18 November 1978)


  • Robert Houston was born on 13 October 1943.2
  • He married Phyllis Dian Tuttle, daughter of Roy Gilbert Tuttle and Sybil Walley, estimated 1962.1,3
  • Robert and Phyllis were divorced estimated 1968.4
  • Robert subsequently married a woman named Joyce Shaw. They were both People's temple members - Joyce was part of the planning commission. They lived with Robert's 2 daughters and other children. Then after Jim Jones began practicing mass suicide she knew she had to leave, which she did in Jul 1976. Once back in Ohio she called her husband Robert, whose phone was tapped, asking him to leave and bring the girls. A week later Robert died in an unexplained accident.4
  • He died in July 1976 at age 32.4
  • The cause of his death was an unexplained accident at the Southern Pacific Rail Yards in San Francisco CA.4,2
  • The Death of Robert H. Houston, Jr

    by Kenneth A. Odell

    from website

    Bob Houston was born October 13, 1943, and died in San Francisco on October 5, 1976. Though his death was legally ruled an accident, there is reason for substantial doubt about this conclusion.

    Bobby had several part-time jobs during his life in order to support his family and make substantial contributions to Peoples Temple. One of those jobs was as a night maintenance worker in the Southern Pacific train yard adjacent to the Potrero Hill neighborhood of San Francisco. On the night in question, Bobby’s body was discovered after it had been run over by a train, apparently resulting in his instant death. Given the few night workers in a large train yard, there were no eyewitnesses as to what had actually happened.

    Although his death was ruled an accident, there were several pieces of evidence which did not corroborate such a finding. For one thing, his body was discovered in a part of the train yard which his duties would not normally take him to. In addition, his protective work gloves were found folded up separate from his body, and apparently unused that night.

    Since I was one of Bobby’s best friends during our four years together at Capuchino High School in San Bruno (1957-1961), I think I knew him very well. Bobby always had an upbeat and energetic personality. He was a hard worker, an excellent musician, and an Eagle Scout. He did very well academically and socially. Both of us were on the “nerd” end of the spectrum, in that we didn’t play organized sports, and we were both interested in science. Bobby was never a quitter, and worked hard and diligently in his many roles – husband, father, Temple member, railroad worker, teacher – until the day he died.

    As Tim Reiterman pointed out in his book Raven, Jim Jones took an active role in criticizing Bobby, holding him up to ridicule by the entire community, and even literally making Bobby his punching bag in the “boxing matches” which Jones staged for his enjoyment, during which a victim was forced to fight a much more physically imposing opponent.

    What could cause Jones’ enmity? In my view, one reason was that Bobby was clearly more intelligent than Jones, and could make him look like a fool in any kind of intellectual debate. My friend was not shy about interrupting any speaker’s argument when he found a logical flaw, and I am sure that Jones felt that his authority, and his very validity as a leader, was being attacked and potentially destroyed by Bobby’s persistent questions.

    There is no question that Bobby was smart. I myself have a B.A., a J.D., and an M.B.A. from some very prestigious universities, and Bobby was just as smart as I am. Bobby also loved to argue and debate, and early in his life he got the nickname of “The Little Professor” because of his intelligence, which – to be honest – had a bit of intellectual superiority to it. Bobby was always questioning our teachers – including a series of debates with a very capable teacher of Euclidean geometry – and was quite adept at picking up the other person’s logical errors and inconsistencies. Nor was he shy about such confrontations.

    In addition, he was not in any way disadvantaged, unlike many members of the Temple. He came from a stable and supportive middle class family, lived in a nice house, and wore nice clothes. He was educated, too, having received his degree in music from the University of California at Berkeley, with advanced academic work at San Francisco State University. In terms of intelligence, education, and background, then, he had it all over Jim Jones. Combined with his combativeness, Bobby represented a threat to Jones’ authority.

    We know that Jim Jones had the capacity to kill several hundred people, many of whom he didn’t even know or harbor any resentments against. How much more likely would it be that, unable to prevail logically or rhetorically over Bobby’s questions and criticisms, Jones simply took the easy step – at least for him – of eliminating Bobby entirely.

    (Kenneth A. Odell is a retired attorney. His other two stories in this edition of the jonestown report are A Glimpse into the Life of Phyllis Tuttle Houston and Memories of My Best Friend, Robert Houston, Jr.. He may be reached at

    Originally posted on October 24th, 2017.2

  • Memories of My Best Friend, Robert Houston, Jr.

    by Kenneth A. Odell

    I knew Bob Houston (“Bobby”) from 1957 to 1961, when we were both students at Capuchino High School in San Bruno, California. We were active in the high school marching band – although Bobby was a much better musician than I was – and were on the “academic track,” as it was then called, so we took all the advanced courses in the sciences and humanities. Although I got slightly better grades, Bobby was just as smart as I was. He was also an Eagle Scout and, as I recall, worked part-time jobs during the school year, as I did.

    Capuchino was a typical middle class suburban high school in the 1950’s, with very few poor or rich students, predominantly white, with a few Asian and Latino students, and even fewer African Americans. Bobby came from a very stable middle class family, the father Bob, Sr. (or “Sammy” as we called him) was a photographer for the San Francisco Chronicle newpaper, his mother a homemaker, and his younger sister a few years behind him in school.

    After graduation I went away to college, and Bobby went to Cal Berkeley where he majored in music, en route to a career as a high school music teacher. While at Cal, Bobby married Phyllis Tuttle,, a high school classmate of ours, and they had two daughters, Patty and Judy. After 1961 I lost track of Bobby, and next heard about him due to his death on October 5, 1976, ostensibly due to a railroad accident. Now that I have investigated Bobby’s history with Peoples Temple, there is no doubt in my mind that his death was ordered by Jim Jones.

    Up until 1961, there was nothing that hinted at his future involvement with the Temple. Though Bobby always had an empathetic streak in his personality, nothing I knew could explain his fanatical devotion to the Jim Jones cult. I don’t recall that Bobby had much interest in civil rights, but that may well have developed as a result of attending Cal Berkeley in the 1960’s.

    * * * * *

    Although it may not have seemed so at the time, Bobby did not die in vain, due to a series of random coincidences. As mentioned, Bobby and I were in the high school band. Every year there was a competition for high school bands in Long Beach, California, and in 1960 we were selected as the best band in the State. As a result, we represented California at the John F. Kennedy inauguration in 1961. I still remember marching down Pennsylvania Avenue on a very cold day.

    One of the chaperones on our trip to Washington was our high school government teacher, a man named Leo Ryan. In addition, Bob’s father Sammy Houston came along as the official band photographer. Leo Ryan and Sammy lodged together during that trip and formed a friendship that became important after Bob’s mysterious death 15 years later.

    Following the “accident,” Sammy contacted Ryan with his misgivings about Peoples Temple and its recently-established agricultural project known as Jonestown. The more Ryan learned about Jonestown, the more interested he became. His interest led to contacts with other former members and ultimately to his fatal trip to Guyana. It is my opinion that the investigation sparked by Bobby’s death set in motion the decision by Jones to leave the country, with the final result being the mass destruction of the cult in 1978. Had Bobby not been killed, it is of course unknowable as to how and in what sequence this whole catastrophe would have played out.

    On a personal basis, I find myself at a total loss in understanding how an intelligent, well-adjusted, grounded person like Bobby could be caught up in a cult like the Temple to begin with, let alone after he was subjected to widespread group criticism and even physical punishment at the hands of Jim Jones. I suppose that since my life was, if anything, more chaotic than Bobby’s, my real fear or concern might be for myself. I have had a few tangential contacts with organizations which in some ways resembled Peoples Temple, but apparently my “cult radar” is pretty sensitive, as all I ever felt – despite the feelings of some of my peers – was a sense of mingled disbelief and revulsion.

    At age 73, I think that I am pretty well immunized from this grotesque portion of the human spirit.

    (Kenneth A. Odell is a retired attorney. His other two stories in this edition of the jonestown report are A Glimpse into the Life of Phyllis Tuttle Houston and The Death of Robert H. Houston, Jr. He may be reached at

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy Gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.
  2. [S7012] Rebecca Moore Site Manager, Fielding McGhee editor, San Diego State University hosting the site, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, a website commemorating the 900 people who died at Jonestown,, viewed Apr 2020.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S7013] Seattle Post-Intellegencer, Newspaper, newspaper article by Mike Lewis - "Jones disciple recovers from, recalls painful past", published 18 Nov 2003.

Judy Lynn Houston1,2

#46767, (1964-1978)
Pedigree Link
Judy Houston 1964-1983



  • Judy Lynn Houston was born on 9 November 1964 in San Francisco, California.2
  • Her mother was a follower of Jim Jones, and went to Guyana with her 2 daughters.1
  • She died on 18 November 1978 in Guyana at age 14.1
  • She was with her mother & sister, and they all died by drinking Kool Aid.1
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, California. There is a plaque identifying all those who died.2

Other Information


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy Gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.
  2. [S7012] Rebecca Moore Site Manager, Fielding McGhee editor, San Diego State University hosting the site, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, a website commemorating the 900 people who died at Jonestown,, viewed Apr 2020.

Patricia Dian Houston1,2

#46768, (1964-1978)
Pedigree Link
Patty Houston 1964-1983



  • Patricia Dian Houston was born on 9 November 1964 in San Francisco, California.2
  • Patty went with her mother to Guyana with Jim Jones and his cult.1
  • She died on 18 November 1978 in Guyana at age 14.3,2
  • She was with her mother & sister, and they all died by drinking Kool Aid.1
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Oakland, California. There is a plaque identifying all those who died.2

Other Information


  1. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy Gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256.
  2. [S7012] Rebecca Moore Site Manager, Fielding McGhee editor, San Diego State University hosting the site, Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple, a website commemorating the 900 people who died at Jonestown,, viewed Apr 2020.
  3. [S2485] Find A Grave: cremated, ashes were scattered, Roy Gilbert Tuttle, created by Chris Hines, added Jan 2011, memorial number 64191256,incorrect date.

Martin Louis Russert1

#46769, (1952-2005)
Pedigree Link



  • Martin Louis Russert was born on 11 September 1952 in Montgomery, Alabama.1
  • He died on 28 May 2005 in Hesperia, California, at age 52.1

Other Information


  1. [S6250] KMussell, compiler, family tree titled "Mussell Neumann Passow Wilde", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 12267146, viewed Apr 2020 , .

Timothy Paul Russert1

#46770, (1953-1953)
Pedigree Link



  • Timothy Paul Russert was born on 17 May 1953 in Montgomery, Alabama.1
  • He died on 25 May 1953 in Montgomery, Alabama, at age 8 days.1

Other Information


  1. [S6250] KMussell, compiler, family tree titled "Mussell Neumann Passow Wilde", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 12267146, viewed Apr 2020 , .

John S Lee1

#46771, (1878-1926)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S6167] Find A Grave: Bluff City Cemetery, Elgin, Illinois, John S Lee, created by BobH, addedAug 2014, memorial number 134988592.
  2. [S2282] Find A Grave: Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois, Bertha Frances Sargeant Huppertz, created by Joe Frerich,added Oct 2018, memorial number 193820349.

George Cupples Huppertz1

#46772, (1878-1967)
Pedigree Link

Child with Bertha Frances Sargent (b. 27 March 1880, d. April 1973)

  1. Mary Elizabeth Huppertz (b. 28 January 1915, d. 1975)


  • George Cupples Huppertz was born on 14 March 1878 in San Antonio, Texas.1
  • Father: Herman J Huppertz (b 1844) - Mother: Mary Frances Paschal (b 1854.)1
  • He married Bertha Frances Sargent, daughter of Zachary Taylor Sargeant and Elizabeth Jane Norris, in 1912.1
  • George Cupples Huppertz died in May 1967 in Kane County, Illinois, at age 89.1
  • He was buried in Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2282] Find A Grave: Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois, George Cupples Huppertz, created by Joe Frerich,added Oct 2018, memorial number 193820410.
  2. [S2282] Find A Grave: Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois, George Cupples Huppertz, created by Joe Frerich, added Oct 2018, memorial number 193820410.

Mary Elizabeth Huppertz1

#46773, (1915-1975)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Elizabeth Huppertz was born on 28 January 1915 in Chicago, Illinois.1
  • She died in 1975 at age ~60.1
  • She was buried in Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois.2

Other Information


  1. [S2282] Find A Grave: Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois, Mary Elizabeth Huppertz, created by Joe Frerich, added Oct 2018, memorial number 193820274.
  2. [S2282] Find A Grave: Union Cemetery, Saint Charles, Illinois, Mary Elizabeth Huppertz, created by Joe Frerich, added Oct 2018, memorial number 193820274.

Francis Lester Moore1

#46774, (1892-1957)
Pedigree Link


  • Francis Lester Moore was born on 12 December 1892 in Vanlue, Ohio.1
  • He married Hazel Elizabeth Sargent, daughter of Zachary Taylor Sargeant and Elizabeth Jane Norris, on 5 June 1915 in Kane, Illinois.1,2
  • Francis Lester Moore was a supervisor in a forge shop.3
  • He and Hazel appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 8 Geneva St, Winfield, DuPage County, Illinois, enumerated on 17 January 1920. They rent their home.3
  • Francis & Hazel probably had no children.3
  • He died on 23 July 1957 in West Chicago, Illinois, at age 64.1
  • He was buried in Glen Oak Cemetery, West Chicago, Illinois. Plot: Section A, Lot 45.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S7019] Find A Grave: Glen Oak Cemetery, West Chicago, Illinois, Francis Lester Moore, created by Ruth, added Feb 2008, memorial number 24434453.
  2. [S5502] Illinois, County Marriages, 1800-1940, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2016 (Original publication: Marriage Records. Illinois Marriages, FamilySearch Salt Lake City UT).
  3. [S7020] 1920 US Federal Census, Winfield, DuPage County, Illinois, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Francis L Moore head of household, roll T625_365, enumeration district 26, page 8B .

Evelyn Martin1

#46775, (1890-1972)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S7021] MichaelBrown16, compiler, family tree titled "Payne Hotchkiss Upson Fuller", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 21360293, viewed Apr 2020 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.