Richard D. Higgins
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
SOUTH PARIS - Richard Denison Higgins, 85, of 3 Market Square, South Paris, died early Monday, March 31, at Market Square Health Care Center.
He was born in Arlington, Mass., on July 20, 1922, the son of Robert and Grace Belyea Higgins. His parents and older brother, Robert Jr. moved to Dawes Hill, Harrison when he was two years old. He attended Harrison schools and Bridgton High School.
He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps on Oct. 4, 1940, serving in the South Pacific area during World War II, and at several Marine Corps posts stateside after the war. He was honorably discharged in 1959, with the rank of gunnery sergeant.
In 1948, he married Janice Rae McLaughlin of Old Orchard Beach and they had four children. Mrs. Higgins, a registered nurse, died in October 1990. In November 1991, he married Jean D. Whitney of Norway and they have made their home in this area since then.
He is survived by his widow; his four children, Richard D. Higgins Jr. of Rockville, Md., Cathryn Vazquez of Largo, Fla., Margaret Higgins of Severn, Md., and Bret Higgins of Largo, Fla.; five stepchildren, Elizabeth Gallagher of Woodstock, Anne Whitney of Homer, Alaska, Jonathan Whitney of Harrison, Andrew Whitney of Jakarta, Indonesia, and Jane Riseman of Harrison; and 15 grandchildren.
printed in the Sun-Journal 2 Ap r 2008.3