Biographical record of the officers and graduates of the Rensselaer polytechnic Institute, 1824-1886:
Edward Abbott Burdett, C. E., son of George Colney and Abigail (Abbott) Burdett, was born in Troy, NY March 29th 1856. Prepared at the Troy Academy, and entered the Institute September 1872. Engaged during the summer of 1877 on Hudson river improvement, having charge of the dredge, under the state engineer of NY. Jan 1st 1878 employed by Burdett, Smith & Co., of Troy, stove manufacturers, at present managing their western branch, at Chicago IL. Married, Oct 3d 1883 Anna Zug, daughter of Christopher Zug of Pittsburgh PA. One son, Reginald Burdett, born Jan 1885. PO address 72 Lake St, Chicago, IL.1