[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , added month, day .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S1245] Cox, Stacy, compiler, family tree titled "Stacy's Genealogy Endeavor", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID stacy70, updated Oct 2006, viewed Sep 2007 , .
[S1245] Cox, Stacy, compiler, family tree titled "Stacy's Genealogy Endeavor", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID stacy70, updated Oct 2006, viewed Sep 2007 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S599] Charles, compiler, family tree titled "The King-McCormick Family", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID corvettekeyes, updated Dec 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
In 1853 he was the fourteenth President of the United States, in office from 1853 to 1857.3
Franklin Pierce became President at a time of apparent tranquility. The United States, by virtue of the Compromise of 1850, seemed to have weathered its sectional storm. By pursuing the recommendations of southern advisers, Pierce--a New Englander--hoped to prevent still another outbreak of that storm. But his policies, far from preserving calm, hastened the disruption of the Union.1
Franklin Pierce can be said to represent, as regards social standing, immediate ancestral background, and regional affiliation, if not party or idealogy, the New England Federalist mercantile elite and its intellectual offspring, responsible for Unitarianism, the "flowering of New England," and much early feminism and other reform.
Franklin Pierce died on 8 October 1869 in Concord, New Hampshire, at age 64.1
He was buried in Old North Cemetery, Concord, New Hampshire. Plot: Minot enclosure adjoining Old North Cemetery.4
Other Information
5th cousin 5 times removed of Linda Sargent
[S1204] Michael, Liz, compiler, family tree titled "Pierces, Bizzells, and Halls of NC", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID lizmichael88, updated Sep 2011, viewed Dec 2011 , .
[S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public, www.en.wikipedia.org, Jun 2009.
[S8813] Find A Grave: Old North Cemetery, Concord, New Hampshire, Franklin Pierce, created by Find a Grave, added Apr 1998, memorial number 814.
He died on 28 February 1794 in Cheshire, Massachusetts, at age 66.2
Other Information
Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
[S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2016 , .
[S291] Danicki, Thomas J, compiler, family tree titled "The Ancestors of Andy & Mike Danicki, plus many descendants, cousins, in-laws, & some neighbors of those ancestors, 10-15-2006", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID thomdanicki, updated Ocgt 2006, viewed Dec 2016 , .
[S1247] Harper, Ida Husted, The Life and Work of Susan B Anthony, Indianapolis and Kansas City: The Bowen-Merrill Company, 1899, vol 1, p 4.
[S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, www.americanancestors.org. (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) birth record, viewed Aug 2009.
Daniel Read was born on 18 September 1754 in Swansea, Massachusetts.1
Daniel was in the Revolutionary War. He served under Benedict Arnold, enduring the hardships of the winter campaign against Quebec, and later fighting in the battle of Bennington.2
[S1248] Stacey, compiler, family tree titled "Hall Tree and More", published by Ancestry, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID hall_tree, updated May 2007, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S1247] Harper, Ida Husted, The Life and Work of Susan B Anthony, Indianapolis and Kansas City: The Bowen-Merrill Company, 1899, vol 1, p 4.
[S1246] Michalenko, Eugene F, Adams Historical Society, web site, www.adamshistorical.org, viewed Aug 2009.
[S1005] Swanson, Lee H, compiler, family tree titled "Griffing/Rising/Stafford/Higby/Dean Genealogy", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID swanson, updated May 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
Daniel Anthony died on 25 November 1862 in Rochester, New York{K1}, at age 68.1
Other Information
Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
[S1005] Swanson, Lee H, compiler, family tree titled "Griffing/Rising/Stafford/Higby/Dean Genealogy", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID swanson, updated May 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
[S1246] Michalenko, Eugene F, Adams Historical Society, web site, www.adamshistorical.org, viewed Aug 2009.
Father: Daniel Anthony(b. 27 January 1794, d. 25 November 1862)
Mother: Lucy Read(b. 2 December 1793, d. 3 April 1880)
Susan Brownell Anthony was born on 15 February 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts.1
Susan B Anthony was a prominent, independent and well-educated American civil rights leader who played a pivotal role in the 19th century women's rights movement to secure women's suffrage in the United States.2
Ida Husted Harper wrote the official biography of Susan with her blessing. She had access to all of Susan's material.
She died on 13 March 1906 in Rochester, New York{K1}, at age 86.3
[S511] Dascola, Phil, compiler, family tree titled "John Root", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID philsged, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jan 2008 , .
[S511] Dascola, Phil, compiler, family tree titled "John Root", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID philsged, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jan 2008 , .
[S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public, www.en.wikipedia.org, article: Louis Comfort Tiffany, viewed Nov 2022.
[S695] Reitwiesner, William Addams, family web site titled "WARGS - William Reitswiesner died in Nov 2010 but his site is still being maintained", http://www.wargs.com, Ancestry of George W. Bush, viewed Feb 2008 , .
[S642] Sue, compiler, family tree titled "AMERICAN GENERATIONS", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID amgen, updated May 2007, viewed Feb 2008 , .
[S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public, www.en.wikipedia.org, viewed Nov 2007.
[S291] Danicki, Thomas J, compiler, family tree titled "The Ancestors of Andy & Mike Danicki, plus many descendants, cousins, in-laws, & some neighbors of those ancestors, 10-15-2006", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID thomdanicki, updated Oct 2006, viewed Oct 2007 , .
[S291] Danicki, Thomas J, compiler, family tree titled "The Ancestors of Andy & Mike Danicki, plus many descendants, cousins, in-laws, & some neighbors of those ancestors, 10-15-2006", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID thomdanicki, updated Oct 2006, viewed Oct 2007 , .
[S630] Robby, compiler, family tree titled "Robinson-Capen Family2", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID Robby1940, updated Jan 2087, viewed Jan 2008 , .
[S452] Beeston, prpletr, compiler, family tree titled "Good-Engle-Hanks", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, updatedAug 2006, viewed Apr 2008 , , Not Available as of Apr 2014.
[S754] Stillwell, Elizabeth, compiler, family tree titled "French and Allied Families", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID bstill, updated Oct 2007, viewed Mar 2008 , .