U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 about Rowland Osgood
Name: Rowland Osgood
Residence: Watervliet, Michigan, Michigan
Age at enlistment: 28
Enlistment Date: 11 Aug 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Watervliet, Michigan
State Served: Michigan
Was POW?: Yes
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company M, Michigan 4th Cavalry Regiment on 29 Aug 1862.Promoted to Full Corporal on 29 Jan 1863.Promoted to Full Sergeant on 01 Feb 1865.Mustered out on 01 Jul 1865 at Nashville, TN.
Birth Date: abt 1834
Sources: Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers 1861-65.3
The body of Mr. Roland Osgood was brought here and interred in the Elk Spring Valley cemetery late Sunday afternoon. A large crowd of people gathered at the cemetery early in the afternoon thinking the interment would take place about two o'clock, but it was postponed until the afternoon stage so his two daughters, Mesdames W. M. Seeley and Belle Greenlease of Dayton, Ohio, could be present. To say that Mr. Osgood has been a great benefit to this city would be putting it lightly, eight handsome residences on Michigan avenue, named by him, stand as living monuments to his belief in that portion of our city, and if he had a single enemy in the city we never heard of it. He gave everyone he had business with a square deal. His sad demise is mourned by his many friends, and his bereaved widow and children have the sympathy of the entire community.
Wayne County (Ky) Outlook. Climax Crescent April 26, 1906 page 1.3