(some of this info is incorrect....)
Anderson, John of Holland, Mass. and Aurelius, Mich. 1841 born at Wales, Mass. Jan. 5, 1863 pvt., Co. E, 1st Mich. Sharpshooters Rgt. Feb. 9, 1864 discharged; Feb. 10, 1864 2ndlt., Co. E, 57th Mass. Infantry Rgt. July 30, 1864 wounded at Petersburg, Va. and absent until discharged; March 13, 1865 brevet 1stlt. and capt., volunteers for battles before Petersburg, Va. Jan. 21, 1865 mo or discharged for disability; March 25, 1865 2ndlt., 20th Veteran Reserve Corps Rgt. June 30, 1866 mo; Aug. 23, 1866 applied for a pension (application #114,146/certificate #78806); Aug. 10, 1867 2ndlt., 25th U. S. Infantry Rgt. April 26, 1869 transferred to 18th U. S. Infantry Rgt. Oct. 17, 1878 1stlt. Nov. 16, 1889-June 21, 1890 regimental quartermaster; June 21, 1890 capt. June 6, 1894 retired; no date retired as maj. member of GAR Post #10 (George H. Ward) at Worcester, Mass. and member of GAR Post #97 (E. J. Griggs) at Belchertown, Mass. professor of military science & tactics, at Massachusetts Agricultural College; Aug. 27, 1914 died at Belchertown and buried in Arlington, Va. National Cemetery; Sept. 21, 1914 his widow Ella S. Anderson (c.1847 born in Tennessee) applied for a pension while living in Massachusetts (application # 1,034,273/ certificate #784219); blue eyes, brown hair
Sources: Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War; Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers 1861-65; Index to Federal Pension Records; Massachusetts GAR: Journal of the Annual Encampment; Register of the Commandery of the State of Massachusetts MOLLUS; Heitman: Register of United States Army 1789-1903; Wilkinson (57th MA Inf) Mother, May You Never See the Sights I have Seen.2