"A retiring, home loving woman. whose ambition was satisfied in being a conscientious and worthy wife and leading her children in the ways of usefulness and holiness. Their lives have been spent in St. Lawrence Co., mostly as farmers, an there they now live, at Crary's Mills. Earnest, sincere, and consistent Christians, helping in church work. and in extending the kingdom if God in the world, their hopes and interest being one."
--- Alonson Gray 1889.1
"Mr. Church was b. March 2, 1812. An adopted daughter cares for them. They have two sons."
--- Alonson ray 1889.1
"Had a good academic education, with a little farming to spice in. In Sept, 1861, he enlisted in the 60th N. Y. Infantry, served in the Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain and Atlanta campaigns and the famous "march to the sea." Was promoted to first Lieutenant and Adjutant, and honorably discharged in the summer of 1865. This army service prevented him from pursuing a college course, for which all arrangements had been made. He mar. Ella E. Merrick in Washington, D.C., May 26, 1874. Has been employed in the U. S. Navy Department since 1869, and resides in Washington." -
-- Alonson Gray 1889.1
Funeral services for Robert A. Church, eighty-one years old, an employe[sic] of the Navy Department for more than fifty years, who died Sunday [= March 7, 1920] at his home near Cherrydale, [Arlington,] Va., were conducted from his late residence this afternoon by the G. A. R. and the Masonic order.
Mr. Church was born in New York and came to Washington at the close of the civil war, having served four years in the Sixtieth New York Infantry. Until eight years ago he resided in the District. He entered the Navy Department shortly after he came to Washington. He was a member of the Phil Sheridean Post, G. A. R., Pentalpha Lodge, F. A. A. M., and for many years was active in the affairs of the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church of which he was a trustee.
He is survived by his wife, two sons, Herbert Church of Woodmount, [Arlington Co., VA,] and Clarence Church of New York, and three daughters Misses Grace, Edith and Christine Church, of Woodmount. Interment was in Arlington National Cemetery.
The Washington Times (District of Columbia, newspaper), March 9, 1920, Tuesday.2