"When quite young his parents removed to Potsdam, where he remained until about 1844, then went to Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio, working as a cabinet-maker. After a few years he purchased a small farm. He mar. Emeline Reed, August, 1848. In 1866 he removed to Lenox, Sahtabula Co., Ohio, where he is still living. He has given up farming, owning only three acres of land in connection with his house. He has been postmaster for several years and held other offices of trust. He, with his family, are all Christian people, and helping with the Lord's work."
--- Alonson Gray 1889.1
"He was drowned in Silver Lake, near Hudson, Ohio, July 23, 1887, while bathing. He graduated at the head of his class in June, 1887. He was an amiable, self-reliant young man and a universal favorite with all in school. Resolutions were passed at the meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E., of which he was an active member, expressing their sorrow at the great loss which had come to them, and extending sympathy to the parents in their bereavement."
--- Alonson Gray 1889.1