Plot: Old Section Block 4
Inscription: Be ye therefore ready also, for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when we think not.
The Idaho Post, Moscow, Idaho, May 30, 1918: "Miss Mildred Lillibridge, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Lillibridge, died in Chicago Tuesday night [May 28]. the young lady has been attending the Chicago Evangelistic Institute for the past two years and from which school she graduated but a few days ago. She was taken sick and an operation was deemed necessary. Her mother left Moscow about May 1st to be with her during the operation and was with her when death came. the death of the young lady, who was a great favorite here, where she had lived for many years, will come as a shock to her many friends and the stricken family have the heartfelt sympathy of all. She leaves her parents, a sister and brother, and hosts of friends."
The Idaho Post, Moscow, Idaho, June 14, 1918: "Mildred Eloise Lillibridge was born at Traer, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1896. She lives in the state of Iowa for seven years when she went with her parents to Missouri, remaining there for six years. In the year 1909 she came to Moscow, where she spent the rest of her life until two years ago, graduating from the local high school and spending two years in the university.
"Two years ago she entered the Chicago Evangelistic Institute, and finished a two years' course in that institution, graduating in May. She found it necessary to go immediately to the surgeon's table. the operation was a success, but she was not able to stand the strain, and after a short time went to her home beyond.
"She united with the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of seven and remained a faithful and active member of the same all of her life. It may be conservatively said that Mildred was always one of the most influential in the circle in which she moved.
"The funeral was held from the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday afternoon, June 2, conducted by the pastor, Rev. H.O. Perry. Miss D. Willa Caffrey spoke at the close of the sermon on the life and consecration of Mildredn.
"Miss Mildred's going will leave a great vacancy. The many floral designs and the crowded house testified to the fact that her going touched the whole community."3