Winifred Behre Wright
Winifred Behre Wright died April 23, 2009. She was born in New Orleans LA, 1918, the third of four children of Frances (Downes) and Theodore Behre. She graduated from the Art institute of chicago and married Arthur Wright of Duxbury, MA, just before he was sent overseas for W.W.II
After the war they lived in New Orleans until 1957, when they moved to Chittenden, Bradford and then, Springfield, T. She kept up her art work while being a mother and housewife and later taught art in public schools.
When she was widowed in 1974, she moved to Reno, NV. During those years Jake Highton was her good friend and companion. She continued her artwork and worked in an art supply store. She eventually filled over 50 sketchbooks with her sketches, pastels and water colors.
In 2003, she moved to New Hampshire, and was lovingly cared for by Linda and Harry Chesley of Charlestown for six years.
She is preceded in death by an infant son; her husband; two brothers; a sister and two infant grandchildren. She is survived by her three daughters and their families: Jenny Wright (Stan McCumber) of Unity, NH (grandchildren, Vanessa Keith, David and Willis McCumber, also of Unity); Jill (Bernard) Pinon of Villiers-sur-Tholon, France (grandchildren, Johanna, Melissa, Emilie, Luc, Claire, and Leonard, great-grandchildren, Juliette, Moni, Elliot, Louise and Elijah); and Wendy (Joel) Ostlind of Big Horn, WY (grandchildren, Emilene and Jake.)2