My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 2,224

Dorothy Yoder1

Pedigree Link

Children with Robinson Stevens (b. 11 October 1917, d. 2 May 1994)

  1. Deborah L Stevens
  2. Cynthia Lee Stevens
  3. Robinson Stevens

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  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1492] Virginia, Marriage Records, 1936-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2015 (Original publication: Virginia, Marriages, 1936-2014, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, Virginia). Fritts-Stevens marriage record state file nbr 75-047041.

Cynthia Lee Stevens1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S1492] Virginia, Marriage Records, 1936-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2015 (Original publication: Virginia, Marriages, 1936-2014, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, Virginia). Fritts-Stevens marriage record state file nbr 75-047041.

William Douglas Fritts1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S1492] Virginia, Marriage Records, 1936-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2015 (Original publication: Virginia, Marriages, 1936-2014, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, Virginia). Fritts-Stevens marriage record state file nbr 75-047041.

Deborah L Stevens1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S8915] 1950 US Federal Census, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Robinson stevens head of household, record nbr 29, roll 1116, sheet 33, enumeration district 73-102 .

John Robert Diehl1

#55580, (1915-1981)
Pedigree Link

Child with Sylvia Stevens (b. 13 March 1920, d. 5 April 1999)

  1. Dorcas Diehl+


  • John Robert Diehl was born on 12 May 1915 in Reading, Pennsylvania.2
  • Father: Raymond H Diehl - Mother: Grace Mengel.3
  • He graduated from Haverford College in 1936.3
  • He graduated from Berkeley Divinity School; Yale University in 1939.3
  • John Robert Diehl was a teacher at the Pennington Boys School.1
  • He married Sylvia Stevens, daughter of Dexter Stevens and Margaret Robinson, on 17 June 1950 in Bowdoinham, Maine.4,1
  • In 1965 John and Sylvia lived in Brant Beach, New Jersey.4
  • He died on 7 January 1981 in Burkettville, Maine, at age 65.5,2
  • He was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Saco, Maine.2
  • An obituary was published in Bangor Daily News, Bangor, Maine, on 8 January 1981.3

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  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S8921] The Lewiston Daily Sun, Lewiston ME, also known as Sun Journal, Newspaper, wedding announcement Diehl-Stevens, published 26 Jun 1950 p10.
  2. [S8922] Find A Grave: Laurel Hill Cemetery, Saco, Maine, John Robert Diehl, created by Lori Lee Crawford Corey, added Sep 2016, memorial number 170659644.
  3. [S3918] Bangor Daily News, Bangor, Maine, Newspaper, John Robert Diehl obituary notice, published 8 Jan 1981 p25.
  4. [S8917] Portland Press Herald, Portland ME, Newspaper, Mrs Margaret Stevens obituary notice, publishe 10 Nov 1965 p27.
  5. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Stevens Dexter Brown1

#55581, (1922-1945)
Pedigree Link
Stevens Dexter Brown 1922-1945



  • Stevens Dexter Brown was born on 3 November 1922 in Concord, Massachusetts.2
  • Stevens Dexter Brown lived in 120 Cambridge St, Winchester, Massachusetts, with his mother.1
  • He graduated from Williston Academy in 1942.3
  • Stevens was a Sergeant in the US Marine Corps during WW II.2,1
  • He married Ann Cutler Finkenstaedt on 17 October 1944 in California.1
  • He died on 19 March 1945 at age 22.1
  • The cause of his death was at sea, near Japan, following an attack on the USS Franklin in Mar 1945. He was awarded a Purple Heart.1,4
  • He was buried in Honolyly Memorial *a structure erected in honor of someone whose remains lie elsewhere, Honolulu, Hawaii. Plot: Courts of the Missing.2
  • An obituary was published in Boston Herald on 4 May 1945.1,3

Other Information


  1. [S8905] Davidmchamberlain24, compiler, family tree titled "Chamberlain/Stevens/Bestwick/Devey Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 77218008, viewed Mar 2023 , .
  2. [S8918] Find A Grave: Honolulu Memorial - *a structure erected in honor of someone whose remains lie elsewhere, Honolulu, Hawaii, Sgt Stevens Dexter Brown, created by Hal G Brown, War Graves, added Aug 2010, memorial number 56116528.
  3. [S5624] The Boston Herald, Boston MA, Newspaper, Sgt Stevens D Brown Brown obituary notice, published 4 May 1945.
  4. [S8919] US World War I, World War II, and Korean War Casualty ListingsL, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005 (Original publication: World War I Listing; World War II Listing; Korean War Listing, American Battle Monuments Commission, Listing of War Casualty). Stevens Dexter Brown, service ID 397284.

Ann Cutler Finkenstaedt1

#55582, (1922-1992)
Pedigree Link


  • Ann Cutler Finkenstaedt was born on 26 May 1922 in Bay City, Michigan.1
  • Father: John W Finkenstaedt (b 1894) - Mother: Doris M (Anne?) Thomas (b 1900.)1
  • She married Stevens Dexter Brown, son of Charles Winfield Brown and Marguerite Stevens, on 17 October 1944 in California.1
  • On 4 May 1946 Ann married Lyle Albert Devlin (1915-1989) - after her husband had died during WW II.1
  • Ann Cutler Finkenstaedt died on 23 June 1992 in Upper Arlington, Michigan, at age 70.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S8905] Davidmchamberlain24, compiler, family tree titled "Chamberlain/Stevens/Bestwick/Devey Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 77218008, viewed Mar 2023 , .

Ruth Fowle Whitten1

#55583, (1898-1993)
Pedigree Link
Ruth Fowle Whitten Stevens 1898-1993

Children with Howard Allen Stevens (b. 28 February 1891, d. 28 December 1948)

  1. Suzanne Stevens+ (b. 16 September 1928, d. 17 April 1998)
  2. Howard A Stevens+ (b. about 1931, d. 29 August 2019)


  • Ruth Fowle Whitten was born on 30 August 1898 in Malden, Massachusetts.2
  • Ruth lived in 56 Hawthorne St, Malden, Massachusetts.2
  • She married Howard Allen Stevens, son of Ezra Allen Stevens and Julia Elizabeth Dexter, estimated 1927.1,3
  • Howard Allen Stevens and Ruth appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 56 Hawthorne St, Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 5 April 1940. They own their home with a reported value of $8,500.4
  • She died in 1993 at age ~95.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S8905] Davidmchamberlain24, compiler, family tree titled "Chamberlain/Stevens/Bestwick/Devey Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 77218008, viewed Mar 2023 , .
  2. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives birth record, vol 476, p291.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S8920] 1940 US Federal Census, Malden, Middlesex County, Massaachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Howard A Stevens head of household, roll m-t0627-01608 enumeration district 9-229, page 2A .

Suzanne Stevens1

#55584, (1928-1998)
Pedigree Link
Suzanne Stevens Marston 1928-1998


Children with Edward Roy Marston (b. 25 July 1923, d. 15 February 2007)

  1. Stevens C Marston
  2. Gregg A Marston
  3. Cynthia M Marston


  • Suzanne Stevens was born on 16 September 1928 in Malden, Massachusetts.1
  • She appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 56 Hawthorne St, Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 5 April 1940, in the household of her parents Howard Allen Stevens and Ruth.2
  • Suzanne Stevens married Edward Roy Marston on 16 September 1950 in Malden, Massachusetts.1,3
  • She died on 17 April 1998 in North Andover, Massachusetts, at age 69.1
  • She was buried in Ridgewood Cemetery, North Andover, Massachusetts.4

Other Information


  1. [S8905] Davidmchamberlain24, compiler, family tree titled "Chamberlain/Stevens/Bestwick/Devey Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 77218008, viewed Mar 2023 , .
  2. [S8920] 1940 US Federal Census, Malden, Middlesex County, Massaachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Howard A Stevens head of household, roll m-t0627-01608 enumeration district 9-229, page 2A .
  3. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Wedding Marston-Stevens, published 18 Sep 1950 p 6.
  4. [S8913] Find A Grave: Ridgewood Cemetery, North Andover, Massachusetts, Suzanne Stevens Marston, created by Taphophile, added Mar 2020, memorial number 207701267.

Howard A Stevens1

#55585, (about 1931-2019)
Pedigree Link
Howard A Stevens c 1931-2019



  • Howard A Stevens was born about 1931 in Malden, Massachusetts.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 56 Hawthorne St, Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 5 April 1940, in the household of his parents Howard Allen Stevens and Ruth.1
  • Howard A Stevens graduated from Williston Academy, Easthampton, Massachusetts.2
  • He graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor's in Business Admin.2
  • He died on 29 August 2019 in Falmouth, Maine, at age ~88.2
  • An obituary was published in Boston Globe on 4 September 2019.2

Other Information


  1. [S8920] 1940 US Federal Census, Malden, Middlesex County, Massaachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Howard A Stevens head of household, roll m-t0627-01608 enumeration district 9-229, page 2A .
  2. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Obituary notice, Howard A Stevens, published 5 Sep 2019 p C11.

Edward Roy Marston1

#55586, (1923-2007)
Pedigree Link

Children with Suzanne Stevens (b. 16 September 1928, d. 17 April 1998)

  1. Stevens C Marston
  2. Gregg A Marston
  3. Cynthia M Marston


  • Edward Roy Marston was born on 25 July 1923 in Melrose, Massachusetts.1
  • Father: Lawrence H Marston (b 1895) - Mother: Emeline Y Huff (b 1897.)1
  • Edward served at as 1st Lieutenant Carrier Fighter Pilot in the US Naval Air Force during WW II.2
  • He graduated from Bowdoin College, Bowdoin, Maine, in 1946.2
  • He married Suzanne Stevens, daughter of Howard Allen Stevens and Ruth Fowle Whitten, on 16 September 1950 in Malden, Massachusetts.1,3
  • The following notice was in the newspaper: in Boston Globe, on 18 September 1950.3
  • After his wife Suzanne died he married Leola Hancock.2
  • Edward Roy Marston died on 15 February 2007 at age 83.1
  • He was buried in Ridgewood Cemetery, North Andover, Massachusetts.4

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in Boston Globe on 17 February 2007


83, a long time North Andover resident, died on February 15, after a long illness. Mr. Marston was educated at the Huntington School for Boys and Bowdoin College, class of 1946. During World War II, he served as a 1st Lt Carrier Fighter Pilot in the United States Naval Air Force. Mr. Marston wore many hats and served in various capacities throughout his adult life. He was President of the Lawrence Cooperative Bank, the Malden Cooperative Bank, and was the Chairman of Pioneer Financial Bank. He was also the President of the Lawrence Rotary Club, the North Andover Country Club the North Andover Historical Society, the Malden Chamber of Commerce and the Massachusetts Cooperative Bank League. He was a board member of the Cooperative Central Bank Trust, and was a Trustee of the Ridgewood Cemetery Association. Later in retirement, (1984) he served as President of the Davenport Memorial Foundation until (2001). Mr. Marston had a passion for adventure! The highlight of his youth was a decade of summers spent at the Medomac Camp in Washington County, Maine, where he was both a camper then a camp and trip counselor. In 1971 he canoed the Allagash River Waterway with his two sons. Years later, he and his wife Suzanne, who predeceased him in 1998, enjoyed sailing the coast of New England in their classic sloop, TI. In addition, Mr. Marston crewed on the Marion-Bermuda Race in 1994 and 1996. Mr. Marston's family was central to his life. He is survived by two sons, Stevens C., of Shelburne Falls, MA, Gregg A. of Charlotte, VT, and a daughter Cynthia M. Rentz of Cherry Hills Village, CO., their spouses and six grandchildren whom he adored; and his present wife Leola Hancock Marston, her two daughters, Sally Ruport of Colorado Springs, CO and Susan Kessler of Lloyd Harbor, New York, their spouses and one granddaughter. At the request of the family there are no calling hours. Burial at the Ridgewood Cemetery will be private. Friends are invited to memorial services at The Second Congregational Church, Route 124, West Boxford, MA, at 11:30 AM, Saturday, February 24, 2007. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Cancer Management Center, Holy Family Hospital, Methuen, Massachusetts. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Dewhirst and Conte Funeral Home of NO ANDOVER.

Published by Boston Globe on Feb. 17, 2007.2

Other Information


  1. [S8905] Davidmchamberlain24, compiler, family tree titled "Chamberlain/Stevens/Bestwick/Devey Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 77218008, viewed Mar 2023 , .
  2. [S6878] Legacy,, A collection of obituaries from newspapers and funeral parlors, Edward R Marston obituary notice, published by Boston Globe on 17 Feb 2007, viewed online at
  3. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Wedding Marston-Stevens, published 18 Sep 1950 p 6.
  4. [S8913] Find A Grave: Ridgewood Cemetery, North Andover, Massachusetts, Edward Roy Marston, created by Taphophile, added Mar 2020, memorial number 207701266.

Stevens C Marston1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S6878] Legacy,, A collection of obituaries from newspapers and funeral parlors, Edward R Marston obituary notice, published by Boston Globe on 17 Feb 2007, viewed online at

Gregg A Marston1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S6878] Legacy,, A collection of obituaries from newspapers and funeral parlors, Edward R Marston obituary notice, published by Boston Globe on 17 Feb 2007, viewed online at

Cynthia M Marston1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S6878] Legacy,, A collection of obituaries from newspapers and funeral parlors, Edward R Marston obituary notice, published by Boston Globe on 17 Feb 2007, viewed online at

Mr Rentz1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S6878] Legacy,, A collection of obituaries from newspapers and funeral parlors, Edward R Marston obituary notice, published by Boston Globe on 17 Feb 2007, viewed online at

Lynn (née unknown) Stevens1

Pedigree Link

Child with Howard A Stevens (b. about 1931, d. 29 August 2019)

  1. Sarah Stevens

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Obituary notice, Howard A Stevens, published 5 Sep 2019 p C11.

Sarah Stevens1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Obituary notice, Howard A Stevens, published 5 Sep 2019 p C11.

David Mitchell1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Obituary notice, Howard A Stevens, published 5 Sep 2019 p C11.

Dorcas Diehl1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Bill Barrows1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Will Barrows1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Alisha Barrows1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Rob Barrows1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S7992] Asbury Park Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Newspaper, Obituary notice Sylvia Stevens Diehl, published 7 Apr 1999 p5.

Robinson Stevens1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S8924] The Bradenton Herald, Bradenton FL, Newspaper, Robinson Stevens obituary notice, published 4 May 1994 p16.

Pearl L Mckay1

#55600, (1916-2012)
Pedigree Link


  • Pearl L Mckay was born on 20 March 1916 in Presque Isle, Maine.2
  • Pearl was married previously to Niles Lee Perkins (1919-1971.)3,2
  • She married Ezra Allen Stevens, son of Dexter Stevens and Margaret Robinson, on 7 September 1984 in Maine.1
  • In 1992 Pearl and Ezra moved to Caratunk, Maine.3
  • She died on 19 October 2012 in Waterville, Maine, at age 96.2
  • She was buried in Webster Cemetery, Caratunk, Maine.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S6773] Maine Marriages 1892-1996, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2003 (Original publication: Maine Department of the Secretary of State, Maine Marriages 1892-1996, Maine State Archives). Stevens-Mckay, certificate # 8408884.
  2. [S8933] Find A Grave: Webster Cemetery, Caratunk, Maine, Pearl L McKay Perkins Stevens, created by Kathy Manning, added Feb 2013, memorial number 105370035.
  3. [S8925] Morning Sentinel, Waterville ME, Newspaper, Ezra Ellen Stevens II obituary notice, published 8 Mar 2007 p12.