An obituary was published in The Atlanta Constitution on 28 April 1917
Obituary - The Atlanta Constitution - 4/28/1917 - Page 10.
Pioneer Citizens' History of Atlanta, 1833-1902, by the Pioneer Citizens' Society of Atlanta, published by Byrd Printing Company, 1902, pgs 276-279:
Dan was the youngest child of James Overton Harris and his wife Elizabeth Brown. He was favorably known and prominent in insurance circles.
The Atlanta Constitution - HARRIS - The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Harris are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Dan B. Harris, Sunday, April 29, 1917, at 3 p.m. from the All Saints Episcopal Church. Interment will be in Oakland Cemetery. The following named gentlemen will please act as pallbearers and meet at the chapel of h. M. Patterson & Son at 2:15 o'clock: W. E. Chapin, W. R. Prescott, Charles W. Jerome, Ewell Gay, Robert N. Hughes, J. D. Robinson, K. P. McBurney and Ulrie S. Atkinson. The following named gentlemen will please act as honorary escort and will please meet at the church at 2:45 o'clock: Captain j. W. English, Milton Dargan, J. K. Ottley, Mell R. Wilkinson, Edward C. Peters, Preston S. Arkwright, Thomas B. Paine, Charles I Ryan, Frank W. Hawkins, Edward h. Inman, William T. Perkerson, Frank M. Inman, Robert A hancock, Fred W. Cole, W. F. Pattillo, George J. Dexter, E. T. Gentry, Thomas Peters, J. S. Raine, C. H. Godfrey, Marion Knowles, S. Y. Tupper, Dowdell Brown, F. D. Holland, E. P. Roberts, F. M. Mikell, Cliff C. Hatcher, Guy Carpenter, R. A. Palmer, John H. Raine, Ben I Simpson, Clarence Ruse, Rutherford Lipscomb, James C. Hunter, W. Julian Thomas, George W. Campbell, Howard Pattillo, J. R. Polak, F. M. Butt, John A. Whitner, R. N. Clark, S. Y. Tupper, Jr., D. I. MacIntyre, Charles A. Bickerstaff, W. D. Cotton, Fred E. McLeod, Allen M. Schoen, Alexander W. Smith, Sr. Albert Howell, Clark Howell, Robert C. Alston, J. Carroll Payne, Victor L. Smith, George P. Howard, Linton C. Hopkins, W. D. Ellis, Jr., Alexander C. King, Allen F. Johnson, Samuel T. Weyman, E. S. Ebney, W. L. Cosgrove, C. T. Lowndes, Dr. Dunbar Roy, General William A. Wright, Dr. James E. Paullin, Dr. Floyd McRoe, Will B. Matthews, Henry W. Miller, Dr. Charles G. Giddings, Robert A. Smythe and Dr. Frank Holland.