Olive Grace Salisbury (aka Grace) was the 2nd wife of John Lyman Jackson (aka Lyman); he being a widower and a father with 3 children at the time of their marriage.
Per her 1954 obituary, Olive Grace Salisbury married John Lyman Jackson "September 29, 1886," ... " when she was "... a girl of eighteen." That version of their marriage date conflicts with her own version as it appeared in the 1934 publication: "Souvenir of Hillsgrove -- Valley of Dreams and Memories," wherein, and as it pertains to her inferred marriage to Lyman, she stated simply and without date-specificity: "...when I was a girl of seventeen I undertook the task of mothering a family of three and rearing another family."
The choices are: The 1954 obit, or Grace's own 1934 version. Between the two choices, I'm opting for Grace's own 1934 version, i.e.: 1885 as the implied or inferred year of their marriage, and will accept 29 September as the date. ~ M. Clarke ~.3
JAMES L. BRENCHLEY. --- This well-known farmer and lumberman of Shunk, Fox township, Sullivan county, is a native of Bradford county, this state, having been born at the latter place November 15, 1864. His parents are George and Lydia (Loomis) Brenchley, now residing in Fox township. The mother is a native of Bradford county and a daughter of James Loomis, of the latter place. The father was a native of Fox township, his parents coming to this country and locating in that township before 1840. George Brenchley was twice married --- his first wife being a Miss Weed, by whomhe had two children, Abraham and John, the latter dying at the age of twenty-four years. After the death of his wife he was again united in matrimony to Miss Lydia Loomis. To them were born the following children: Minnie, the wife of Guy Fuller, of Springfield, Pennsylvania; James, the subject of these memoirs; Frank, who married Mattie Leonard and is living at home engaged in lumbering; Maggie, the wife of Emery Tellison, of Smithfield, this state; Maud, Walter and Wallace, the latter three living at home.
When James L. Brenchley was a child of nine years his parents came to Sullivan county, settling in Fox township. Here he attended the common schools, receiving such education as could be obtained from them until he reached his eighteenth year; at this age he began to work for himself, employed in the extensive lumber tracts of that region.He afterward bought a farm of seventy-four acres, from which he has cleared most of the timber and otherwise greatly improved, devoting the land to general farming. He also engaged in lumbering.
At the age of twenty-three he was united in marriage to Miss Cora, daughter of James H. Campbell. Two children have blessed this union: Ina Belle, born December 6, 1896, and Ethel M., born July 26, 1898. In politics Mr. Brenchley is an unyielding Republican and is at present serving a three-years term as road commissioner. He is a prominent member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, with which he united some four years age, and is deservedly popular throughout the county, where he is well known.
Contributor: Mark Kunzman (47526718) •.2