Addison Grace, farmer, Asylum township, P. O. Macedonia, was born in Springfield, this county, July 11, 1830, and is a son of William and Hannah (Salisbury) Grace, natives of Massachusetts, and of English extraction. William Grace came to this county when a young man; his grandmother Grace was one of the nurses who attended the wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill, and his grandfather Grace was one of the Revolutionary soldiers in the same battle.
Addison Grace, who is the eighth in a family of nine children, was reared on his father¹s farm, became a farmer when grown, and has followed that occupation successfully since. He was united in matrimony October 3, 1849, with Dimmis Knapp, and there were born to them eight children, all living as follows: Ruby, born July 15, 1850, wife of Mahlon Allen; Addison W., born January 23, 1852, married to Helena Hosley; Laura E., born March 27, 1854, wife of Hiram Hosley; May, born July 15, 1856, wife of E. J. Lewis; Charles B., born July 17, 1859, married to Minnie E. Huggins; Elsworth C., born August 8, 1863, married to Mamie Brown; Martha, born February 28, 1865, wife of Harry More; Arotine S., born September 2, 1869.
Mrs. Grace died January 27, 1871, and January 16, 1877, Mr. Grace married Flora D. Cheney, daughter of R. W. and Sarah (Fraizer) Cheney, born March 9, 1852. He located on his present farm in 1888, and is one of the most successful farmers, a social and genial gentleman, respected by all who know him. Politically he is a Republican.1