Eli A. (June) Farnham, 79, well-known tristate area business man, died at 11 A.M. Sunday at this home at 107 East Lynn Street. He had been in failing health for more than a year.
A native of Edgerton, he had lived here and Butler, Indiana. While in Butler, he was associated with the First National Bank of Bulter from 1909 to 1938. Since 1938 he had operated the Tri-State Electric Company, an electrical supply business and an income tax service. Mr. Farnham was a member of the Edgerton Methodist Church, the Edgerton Knights of Pythias Lodge, Butler Lodge No. 239, F. & A. M., Butler Chapter 106 RAM and Butler County 83 R&SM.
Surviving are his wife, Frances; a son, rodger, of Greenville; three grandsons, and a brother, Dana, of Butler, Ind.
Funeral services will be at 2 pm Wednesday in the Methodist Church with the Rev. Kenneth E. Nason, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in the Maple Grove Cemetery. Calling hours will be after 7 pm Monday in the Krill Funeral Home.
Kathy Day, great niece of Frances Day Farnham write "I remember "Uncle" June teasing us and smoking his big cigar. But at that age, we were pretty young and our focus was the drawer in the kitchen full of toys or the food that Aunt Frances was baking."7