Charlotte “Lottie” Goodridge Brandt
BIRTH 22 Feb 1886
Newfane, Niagara County, New York, USA
DEATH 10 Mar 1946 (aged 60)
Newfane, Niagara County, New York, USA
Wrights Corners Cemetery
Newfane, Niagara County, New York, USA
MEMORIAL ID 74506599 · View Source
NEWFANE. NY. March 1 1 - Mrs. Charlotte M. Brandt. 60, widow
of Bert Brandt, died at her home.40 North Main street, last evening following a serious illness of eight weeks. Mrs. Brandt was born In Newfane. a daughter of the late Franklin
and Abigail Kelley Goodridge and with the exception of three
years spent at the Methodist Home for Children at Williamsvllle her entire life had been spent in Newfane
She was a member of the Methodist church and its women's
organizations Mrs. Brandt is survived by one son Howard Brandt. of this village, three grandchildren. and four
brothers. George and Lyman Goodridge. of this village. Homer Goodridge. of Lockport. and Willis Goodridge. of Akron, Ohio Another son. Elwood Brandt, gave his life for his
country In World War II Funeral services will be held at
the Corwin funeral home at 2:30pm Wednesday, with the Rev.
Daniel Place officiating Interment will be in Wright's cemetery.
From the Niagara Gazette March 11, 1946.1