My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 431

Percy Hays Lewis1

#10751, (1886-1974)
Pedigree Link



  • Percy Hays Lewis was born on 21 July 1886 in Farm Ridge, Illinois.2,1
  • Percy enlisted in the US Army on 28 May 1917. He fought in WW II, and was released 18 Mar 1919.3
  • He died on 24 March 1974 in Los Angeles, California, at age 87.1
  • He was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Glendale, California. Plot: Vale of Memory, Map 1, Lot 2529, Space 1.4

Other Information


  1. [S7196] abbottk19, compiler, family tree titled "Kyle Abbott Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 59488549, viewed Sep 2020 , .
  2. [S965] Milham, Sherry, compiler, family tree titled "Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677", published by,, from database ID icfa, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  3. [S3978] US, Dept of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2011 (Original publication: US Department of Veterans Affairs, Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem BIRLS Death File, Washington DC).
  4. [S2763] Find A Grave: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), 1712 S Glendale Ave, Glendale, California, Percy Lewis, created by Find A Grave, Chris Mills, added Feb 2012, memorial number 85451508.

Gertrude Hayes1

#10752, (1856-)
Pedigree Link



  • Gertrude Hayes was born on 16 December 1856.1

Other Information


  1. [S965] Milham, Sherry, compiler, family tree titled "Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677", published by,, from database ID icfa, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .

Chauncey Lester Hayes1,2

#10753, (1861-1933)
Pedigree Link
Chaunces Lester Hayes 1861-1933


Children with Minnie Cora Gurnea (b. 2 April 1864, d. 6 October 1939)

  1. Algena Hayes+ (b. 2 January 1886, d. 29 July 1960)
  2. Samuel John Hayes (b. November 1887, d. 4 October 1915)
  3. Donald Morrison Hayes (b. 7 August 1892, d. 9 October 1964)
  4. George Gurnea Hayes+ (b. 6 March 1895, d. 8 November 1970)
  5. Chauncey Lester Hayes (b. 7 August 1897, d. 7 July 1915)


  • Chauncey Lester Hayes was born on 26 July 1861 in LaSalle County, Illinois.1,2
  • He married Minnie Cora Gurnea on 25 March 1885 in La Salle, Illinois.3
  • Chauncey also had a son.1
  • He died on 17 April 1933 in Long Beach, California, at age 71.2
  • He was buried in Hillside Memorial Park, Redlands, California. Plot: Block B.2


Chauncey L. Hayes was born in LaSalle county, Ill., in 1861; was brought up on a farm and educated in the public schools, and at the Wheaton College, where he took a classical course. He engaged in farming and stock raising, and came to California first in 1884, for the winter. He then returned to Illinois, where he was married to Miss Minnie C. Gurnea, a native of Illinois. In 1887 Mr. Hayes again came to California and has since resided in Redlands. In this city he has been engaged in orange growing and upon his home lot, which comprises about one-third of his 12 1/2 acre ranch, he has forty-seven different varieties of choice fruits. In the winter of 1887 he opened the first livery stables in Redlands, one at the Terrace Villa Hotel and another in a brick building on West State street, which he still owns, but the business was purchased by Caves & Reeves, who afterward moved their horses and other accessories of the business to a stable on Orange street.

(Source: Illustrated Redlands, 1897, p. 61.)

Third cousin to Rutherford B.Hayes President of the United States.

Married to Minnie Cora Gurnea

Father of;

Algena W Hayes Wilson(1886-1960)

Samuel John Hayes (1887-1915)

Donald M Hayes(1892-1964)

George G Hayes (1895 – 1970

Chauncey L Hayes (1897–1915)


Other Information


  1. [S965] Milham, Sherry, compiler, family tree titled "Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677", published by,, from database ID icfa, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  2. [S7190] Find A Grave: Hillside Memorial Park, Redlands, California, Chauncey Lester Hayes, created by Barbara LeClaire, added Sep 2008, memorial number 29757223.
  3. [S7196] abbottk19, compiler, family tree titled "Kyle Abbott Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 59488549, viewed Sep 2020 , .

Samuel John Hayes1

#10754, (1887-1915)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel John Hayes was born in November 1887 in California.1
  • He died on 4 October 1915 in Los Angeles, California, at age 27.1
  • He was buried in Hillside Memorial Park, Redlands, California. Plot: B-116.2

Other Information


  1. [S7196] abbottk19, compiler, family tree titled "Kyle Abbott Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 59488549, viewed Sep 2020 , .
  2. [S7190] Find A Grave: Hillside Memorial Park, Redlands, California, Samuel John Hayes Jr, created by Barbara LeClaire, added Sep 2008, memorial number 29757082.

Mary Frances Cummings1

#10755, (1833-1911)
Pedigree Link
Mary Frances Cummings Francis 1933-1911



  • Mary Frances Cummings was born on 27 January 1833 in Ware, New Hampshire.1,2
  • She married Thomas Moreland Francis on 5 March 1857.1
  • Miss Mary Frances Cummings was remembered by the early pioneers of Brooklyn, Iowa, as one of the first teachers in the school there -- Mary Frances was the first of three generations of the Cummings family, who served the community as public school teachers.3
  • Thomas and Mary lived in Los Angeles, California.1
  • Mary and Thomas had no children.1
  • She died on 27 August 1911 in Los Angeles, California, at age 78.2
  • She was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Glendale, California. Section D, Lot 53, Space 2.3

Other Information


  1. [S965] Milham, Sherry, compiler, family tree titled "Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677", published by,, from database ID icfa, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  2. [S7196] abbottk19, compiler, family tree titled "Kyle Abbott Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 59488549, viewed Sep 2020 , .
  3. [S2763] Find A Grave: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), 1712 S Glendale Ave, Glendale, California, Mary Frances Cummings Frances, created by Find A Grave, Kathy Salazar, added Sep 2014, memorial number135971782.

Thomas Moreland Francis1

#10756, (1828-1911)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S965] Milham, Sherry, compiler, family tree titled "Descendants of Isaac Cummings 1601-1677", published by,, from database ID icfa, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  2. [S7196] abbottk19, compiler, family tree titled "Kyle Abbott Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 59488549, viewed Sep 2020 , .

Marcia Ann Brigham1

#10757, (estimated 1820-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Ira P Paige (b. 2 June 1815)

  1. Charles Ralph Paige (b. 19 April 1844)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S968] Paige, John, compiler, family tree titled "PAIGE", published by,, from database ID:3196479, updated Feb 2006, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S968] Paige, John, compiler, family tree titled "PAIGE", published by,, from database ID:3196479, updated Feb 2006, viewed Aug 2008 , the source says Acma, but I believe it is Acme, Michigan .

Charles Ralph Paige1

#10758, (1844-)
Pedigree Link



  • Charles Ralph Paige was born on 19 April 1844.1

Other Information


  1. [S968] Paige, John, compiler, family tree titled "PAIGE", published by,, from database ID:3196479, updated Feb 2006, viewed Aug 2008 , .

Ruth Sargent1

#10759, (1782-1840)
Pedigree Link


Children with Benjamin Dunklee (b. estimated 1780)

  1. Eli Sargent Dunklee+ (b. 17 July 1806, d. 20 March 1837)
  2. Mary Washburn Dunklee (b. 23 October 1807, d. 24 September 1834)
  3. Jason Dunklee (b. 1 July 1809)
  4. Hannah C Dunklee (b. 23 May 1811)
  5. Caroline L Dunklee (b. 8 April 1813, d. 25 October 1818)
  6. Seth Washburn Dunklee (b. 1 July 1815)
  7. William Arnold Dunklee+ (b. 12 July 1817, d. 4 March 1888)
  8. Nathan Sargent Dunklee (b. 12 July 1819)
  9. Benjamin Wells Dunklee (b. 11 September 1821)
  10. Caroline Elizabeth Dunklee (b. 29 July 1823)


  • Ruth Sargent was born on 30 July 1782.1
  • She married Benjamin Dunklee on 20 June 1805.1
  • She died on 5 December 1840 at age 58.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 54.

Benjamin Dunklee1

#10760, (estimated 1780-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Ruth Sargent (b. 30 July 1782, d. 5 December 1840)

  1. Eli Sargent Dunklee+ (b. 17 July 1806, d. 20 March 1837)
  2. Mary Washburn Dunklee (b. 23 October 1807, d. 24 September 1834)
  3. Jason Dunklee (b. 1 July 1809)
  4. Hannah C Dunklee (b. 23 May 1811)
  5. Caroline L Dunklee (b. 8 April 1813, d. 25 October 1818)
  6. Seth Washburn Dunklee (b. 1 July 1815)
  7. William Arnold Dunklee+ (b. 12 July 1817, d. 4 March 1888)
  8. Nathan Sargent Dunklee (b. 12 July 1819)
  9. Benjamin Wells Dunklee (b. 11 September 1821)
  10. Caroline Elizabeth Dunklee (b. 29 July 1823)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 54.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Eli Sargent Dunklee1

#10761, (1806-1837)
Pedigree Link


Children with Cynthia Watkins (b. estimated 1811)

  1. Galasha Corlis Dunklee (b. 9 February 1832, d. 8 March 1905)
  2. Jason Dunklee (b. February 1833, d. September 1834)
  3. John Wesley Dunklee (b. September 1835, d. January 1845)
  4. Eli Sargent Dunklee (b. 31 July 1837)


  • Eli Sargent Dunklee was born on 17 July 1806.1
  • He married Cynthia Watkins on 6 November 1831.1
  • He died on 20 March 1837 at age 30.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.

Cynthia Watkins1

#10762, (estimated 1811-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Eli Sargent Dunklee (b. 17 July 1806, d. 20 March 1837)

  1. Galasha Corlis Dunklee (b. 9 February 1832, d. 8 March 1905)
  2. Jason Dunklee (b. February 1833, d. September 1834)
  3. John Wesley Dunklee (b. September 1835, d. January 1845)
  4. Eli Sargent Dunklee (b. 31 July 1837)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Washburn Dunklee1

#10763, (1807-1834)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Washburn Dunklee was born on 23 October 1807.1
  • She married Isaac Goodnow on 20 October 1825.1
  • Isaac and Mary had 6 children.2
  • She died on 24 September 1834 at age 26.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S2977] Denny, Christopher Columbus, Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America, privately published, 1886, p 155.

Isaac Goodnow1

#10764, (estimated 1803-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S2977] Denny, Christopher Columbus, Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America, privately published, 1886, p 155.

Jason Dunklee1

#10765, (1809-)
Pedigree Link



  • Jason Dunklee was born on 1 July 1809.1
  • He married Sarah Saunders on 10 June 1830.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.

Sarah Saunders1

#10766, (estimated 1812-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Hannah C Dunklee1

#10767, (1811-)
Pedigree Link



  • Hannah C Dunklee was born on 23 May 1811.1
  • She married Francis D Sawyer on 25 October 1835.1
  • Francis and Hannah had 5 children.2

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S2977] Denny, Christopher Columbus, Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America, privately published, 1886, p 155.

Francis D Sawyer1

#10768, (estimated 1810-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S2977] Denny, Christopher Columbus, Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America, privately published, 1886, p 155.

Caroline L Dunklee1

#10769, (1813-1818)
Pedigree Link



  • Caroline L Dunklee was born on 8 April 1813.1
  • She died on 25 October 1818 at age 5.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.

Seth Washburn Dunklee1

#10770, (1815-)
Pedigree Link



  • Seth Washburn Dunklee was born on 1 July 1815.1
  • He married Roxa A E Warner on 13 November 1836.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.

Roxa A E Warner1

#10771, (estimated 1818-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

William Arnold Dunklee1

#10772, (1817-1888)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mercy Reed Joy (b. 10 September 1814, d. 29 March 1857)

  1. William Francis Dunklee (b. 24 July 1837, d. 17 February 1838)
  2. John Henshaw Dunklee (b. 3 November 1839, d. 1 March 1842)
  3. William A Dunklee (b. 29 November 1842, d. 23 January 1844)
  4. Daniel Denny Dunklee+ (b. 23 June 1845)
  5. Nathan S Dunklee (b. 10 December 1848)


  • William Arnold Dunklee was born on 12 July 1817 in Brattleboro, Vermont.1,2
  • He married Mercy Reed Joy, daughter of Daniel Joy and Sarah Sargent, on 24 October 1836 William and Mercy were first cousins.1
  • William Arnold Dunklee died on 4 March 1888 in Boston, Massachusetts, at age 70 probably.1,2

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S753] Nielson, Colleen J, compiler, family tree titled "All of Our Ancestors", published by,, from database ID allancestors, updated May 2005, viewed Jul 2010 , .

Mercy Reed Joy1

#10773, (1814-1857)
Pedigree Link


Children with William Arnold Dunklee (b. 12 July 1817, d. 4 March 1888)

  1. William Francis Dunklee (b. 24 July 1837, d. 17 February 1838)
  2. John Henshaw Dunklee (b. 3 November 1839, d. 1 March 1842)
  3. William A Dunklee (b. 29 November 1842, d. 23 January 1844)
  4. Daniel Denny Dunklee+ (b. 23 June 1845)
  5. Nathan S Dunklee (b. 10 December 1848)


Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.
  2. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 176-177.

William Francis Dunklee1

#10774, (1837-1838)
Pedigree Link



  • William Francis Dunklee was born on 24 July 1837.1
  • He died on 17 February 1838 at age 6 months and 24 days.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.

John Henshaw Dunklee1

#10775, (1839-1842)
Pedigree Link



  • John Henshaw Dunklee was born on 3 November 1839.1
  • He died on 1 March 1842 at age 2.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 169.