My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 922

Mary Hammond1

#23026, (about 1784-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Asa Whitney (b. 18 May 1782, d. 4 March 1826)

  1. Emily Whitney+ (b. 27 September 1817, d. 19 April 1897)
  2. Catharine D Whitney (b. 17 December 1824, d. 9 September 1849)


  • Mary Hammond was born about 1784.1
  • Father: Phineas Hammond - Mother: Mary Gay.1
  • She married Asa Whitney estimated 1805.1,2
  • Asa and Mary had 8 children.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S830] Dutton, Richard A, compiler, family tree titled "Dick Dutton's Master File", published by,, from database ID dickdutton, updated Jul 2006, viewed Jan 2012 , , Not Available as of 1999 - he died then but his file is still available per his wishes.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Sargent Worcester1,2

#23027, (1836-1920)
Pedigree Link


Children with Nathaniel George Clark (b. 18 January 1825, d. 3 January 1896)

  1. Mary Reed Clark+ (b. 12 May 1862, d. 29 January 1914)
  2. Charles Worcester Clark (b. 23 December 1863, d. 31 March 1891)
  3. Clara Boyden Clark+ (b. 29 May 1869)


  • Elizabeth Sargent Worcester was born on 6 September 1836 in Newark, New Jersey.1,3,4
  • She appeared on the 1850 US Federal Census of Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 16 September 1850, in the household of her parents Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary.5
  • Elizabeth Sargent Worcester married Nathaniel George Clark on 8 May 1861 in Newton, Massachusetts.1,6,4
  • They were married by her father in Auburndale, MA (where they lived.)4
  • She died on 30 September 1920 in Boston, Massachusetts, at age 84.7
  • She was buried in Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vermont.7

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , added middle name .
  3. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , place=Leicester, incorrect .
  4. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives marriage record.
  5. [S3640] 1850 US Federal Census, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Isaac Worcester head of household, roll M432_326, page 33A .
  6. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  7. [S3708] Find A Grave: Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vermont, Elizabeth Sargent Worcester Clark, created by Barb Destromp, added Aug 2015, memorial number 151024042.

Nathaniel George Clark1,2

#23028, (1825-1896)
Pedigree Link

Children with Elizabeth Sargent Worcester (b. 6 September 1836, d. 30 September 1920)

  1. Mary Reed Clark+ (b. 12 May 1862, d. 29 January 1914)
  2. Charles Worcester Clark (b. 23 December 1863, d. 31 March 1891)
  3. Clara Boyden Clark+ (b. 29 May 1869)


  • Nathaniel George Clark was born on 18 January 1825 in Burlington, Vermont.3
  • Father: Charles Clark (b 1800) - Mother: Clarissa Boyden (b 1803.)4
  • In 1850 Nathaniel married Mary Bowland Reed (1827-1859.)5,4
  • Nathaniel George Clark was a professor.5
  • He married Elizabeth Sargent Worcester, daughter of Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary Sophia Sargent, on 8 May 1861 in Newton, Massachusetts.1,3,5
  • They were married by her father in Auburndale, MA (where they lived.)5
  • Nathaniel George Clark died on 3 January 1896 in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, at age 70.3
  • He was buried in Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vermont.4

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in Alexandria Gazette on 4 January 1896

lexandria Gazette (Alexandria, D.C.) January 4, 1896 Image 2

Rev. Nathaniel George Clarke, for nearly thirty years prominently identified with the management of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, died yesterday at his home in Boston from heart disease, aggravated by advanced age.

Contributor: Loretta Castaldi (47472615.)4

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , added middle name .
  3. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  4. [S3708] Find A Grave: Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vermont, Nathaniel George Clark, created by Barb Destromp, added Jul 2011, memorial number 73012489.
  5. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives marriage record.

Sarah Worcester1

#23029, (1838-1843)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Worcester was born on 3 June 1838.1
  • She died on 16 November 1843 at age 5.1
  • She was buried in Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont.2

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S7548] Find A Grave: Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont, Sarah Worcester, created by Donna Bickel, added Sep 2010, memorial number 58713917.

Samuel Austin Worcester1

#23030, (1842-1843)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel Austin Worcester was born on 31 October 1842.1
  • He died on 2 June 1843 at age 7 months and 2 days.1
  • He was buried in Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont.2

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S7548] Find A Grave: Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont, Samuel Austin Worcester, created by Donna Bickel, added Sep 2010, memorial number 58713975.

Henry Leonard Worcester1

#23031, (1846-1855)
Pedigree Link



  • Henry Leonard Worcester was born on 11 November 1846 in Leicester, Massachusetts.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1850 US Federal Census of Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 16 September 1850, in the household of his parents Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary.3
  • Henry Leonard Worcester died on 25 June 1855 at age 8.1
  • He was buried in Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont.4

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S2230] Vital Records of Leicester, Massachusettes to the Year 1850 (F H Gilson Company, Boston, MA: Stanhope Press, 1903), p 110.
  3. [S3640] 1850 US Federal Census, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Isaac Worcester head of household, roll M432_326, page 33A .
  4. [S7548] Find A Grave: Peacham Village Cemetery, Peacham, Vermont, Henry Leonard Worcester, created by Donna Bickel, added Sep 2010, memorial number 58714010.

Mary Worcester1

#23032, (1849-1946)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Worcester was born on 3 March 1849 in Leicester, Massachusetts.1,2,3
  • She appeared on the 1850 US Federal Census of Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 16 September 1850, in the household of her parents Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary.4
  • Mary Worcester appeared on the 1860 US Federal Census of Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 14 September 1860, in the household of her parents Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary.5
  • Mary traveled to Turkey and Asia Minor with her brother-in-law (foreign secretary for the Congregational Missionary Board). She then went to Germany and met Martin in Leipzig.6
  • Mary Worcester married Martin Luther D'Ooge on 31 July 1873.1
  • Martin and Mary lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, The house was a wedding present from Mary's father.6
    home of Martin and Mary (Worcester) D'Ooge
  • Mary learned Greek - she read some Greek classic every day.6
  • Martin Luther D'Ooge and Mary appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, enumerated on 7 June 1880. Also listed are his brother, Benjamin, age 20, a student, and Anna Kannenberg, a servant.2
  • Martin Luther D'Ooge and Mary appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 1523 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, Michigan, enumerated on 12 June 1900. Written over the data is 'in Europe'.7
  • Mary and Martin had no children.7
  • She died on 30 November 1946 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at age 97.8
  • She was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Michigan.8

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in Ann Arbor News on 2 December 1946

Mary Worcester, youngest child of Isaac Redington Worcester and Mary Sophia Sargent, b. Mar. 2, 1849 at Leicester, Mass. She d. Nov. 30, 1946 at Ann Arbor, Mich. (g.s.)

On July 31, 1873 at Auburndale (Newton), Mass. and performed by her father, Mary m. Martin Luther D'Ooge, s. of Leonard D'Ooge and Joanna Quintus, b. July 17, 1839 at Zonnemaire, Province of Zeeland, the Netherlands. He d. Sept. 12, 1915 at Ann Arbor, Michgan (g.s.) as Professor Emeritus of Greek and retired Dean of the University of Michigan's Department of Literature, Science and Arts. They had no children.

The following obituary appeared in the Dec. 2, 1946 issue of the Ann Arbor News republished by the Ann Arbor District Library as part of their digital "Old News" series:

• Funeral Services To Be Held Wednesday At Washtenaw Ave. Home.

• Mrs. Mary Worcester D’Ooge, 97, widow of the late Prof. Martin L. D’Ooge of the University Greek department, died at her home, 1523 Washtenaw Ave., Saturday night.

• One of the last representatives of the “old faculty” families, Mrs. D’Ooge was born in Leicester, Mass., on March 3, 1849, the daughter of Isaac Redington and Mary Sargent Worcester. She received her education at Auberndale, Mass., a girl’s school at Burlington, Vt., and at Milwaukee Female Seminary, which is now a part of Milwaukee-Downer College.

Before her marriage, Mrs. D’Ooge traveled in Turkey and Asia Minor to inspect missions with her brother-in-law, who was foreign secretary for the Congregational Missionary Board, and his wife. They traveled largely by horse and slept in tents.

• Mrs. D’Ooge remained behind in Germany with a family friend and there met Prof. D’Ooge, who was working on a doctorate at Leipsig. Prof. D’Ooge received his degree in 1872, and the couple was married the following year.

They moved soon afterward to the home at 1523 Washtenaw Ave., which was a gift from her father. She had lived there since, except for a year spent in Athens, Greece, while Prof. D’Ooge was annual professor of the American School of Archaeology.

• Her husband, who died in September, 1915, was professor of Greek at the University of Michigan until his retirement. He also had served as dean of the department of literature, science and arts.

• After her marriage, Mrs. D’Ooge learned Greek and continued to read a portion of some Greek classic every day until failing health compelled her to give it up a few years ago.

• She was an original member of Mrs. James B. Angell’s Monday Club and a patroness of Pi Beta Phi. Both she and Prof. D’Ooge were members of the First Congregational church.

• There are no immediate survivors.

• Funeral services will be held at the residence at 10:30 Wednesday morning, with Rev. Leonard Parr officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.

• Honorary pallbearers include President Alexander G. Ruthven, and Profs. Campbell Bonner, Moses Gomberg, William Hobbs, Morris Tilley, Alfred White, John Winter, Joseph Bursley and Bradley Davis and Mr. Robert Gauss. Active pallbearers will be James Dunlop, O. M. Pearl, E. E. Peterson, Stanley Dodge, Stephen Stanton and Robert Daley.

Following marriage, Mary's father built at Ann Arbor as a wedding present the home at 1523 Washtenaw Avenue that Martin and Mary occupied until their respective deaths. At the time it was built it was located some distance from the University campus, but would become located between religious and fraternal organizations associated with the university. Following Mary's death, in late 1947 the residence was jointly purchased and the lot split between the adjoining property owners - the University Lutheran Chapel and Chi Omega sorority.8

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 189.
  2. [S2994] 1880 US Federal Census, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Martin D'Ooge head of household, roll 608, enumeration district 225, page 88A .
  3. [S2230] Vital Records of Leicester, Massachusettes to the Year 1850 (F H Gilson Company, Boston, MA: Stanhope Press, 1903), p 110.
  4. [S3640] 1850 US Federal Census, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Isaac Worcester head of household, roll M432_326, page 33A .
  5. [S1687] 1860 US Federal Census, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Isaac R Worcester head of household, roll M653_510, page 666 .
  6. [S6118] Find A Grave: Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Martin Luther D'Ooge, created by Don Blauvelt, cemeterywalker, added Apr 2008, memorial number 26120396.
  7. [S2995] 1900 US Federal Census, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Martin L D'Ooge head of household, rollT623_746, enumeration district 89, page 22A .
  8. [S6118] Find A Grave: Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mary Worcester D'Ooge, created by Don Blauvelt, cemeterywalker, added Apr 2008, memorial number 26120397.

Mary Reed Clark1

#23033, (1862-1914)
Pedigree Link


Children with Henry Beecher Reed (b. 1 October 1853)

  1. Helen Ainsworth Reed+ (b. 22 November 1885)
  2. Theodore Worcester Reed+ (b. 25 June 1887, d. 28 January 1975)
  3. Josiah Fogg Reed (b. 2 May 1889, d. 29 July 1919)
  4. Nathaniel Clark Reed+ (b. 14 May 1891, d. 5 March 1970)
  5. Charles Sumner Reed+ (b. 12 May 1894, d. 7 April 1988)


  • Mary Reed Clark was born on 12 May 1862 in Burlington, Vermont.1
  • She married Henry Beecher Reed on 2 December 1884 in Boston, Massachusetts.1
  • Henry Beecher Reed and Mary appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 564 Main St, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 25 April 1910. They own their home, free of mortgage. Also listed with the household were Theresa Chisholm age 33 servant and Mary Lester age 19 servant.2
  • She died on 29 January 1914 in Weymouth, Massachusetts, at age 51.1

Other Information


  1. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  2. [S4614] 1910 US Federal Census, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Henry B Reed head of household, Ward 5, roll T624_610, enumeration district 1169, page 12B .

Henry Beecher Reed1

#23034, (1853-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Mary Reed Clark (b. 12 May 1862, d. 29 January 1914)

  1. Helen Ainsworth Reed+ (b. 22 November 1885)
  2. Theodore Worcester Reed+ (b. 25 June 1887, d. 28 January 1975)
  3. Josiah Fogg Reed (b. 2 May 1889, d. 29 July 1919)
  4. Nathaniel Clark Reed+ (b. 14 May 1891, d. 5 March 1970)
  5. Charles Sumner Reed+ (b. 12 May 1894, d. 7 April 1988)


  • Henry Beecher Reed was born on 1 October 1853 in Weymouth, Massachusetts.1
  • He married Mary Reed Clark, daughter of Nathaniel George Clark and Elizabeth Sargent Worcester, on 2 December 1884 in Boston, Massachusetts.1
  • Henry Beecher Reed was a shoe manufacturer.2
  • He and Mary appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 564 Main St, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 25 April 1910. They own their home, free of mortgage. Also listed with the household were Theresa Chisholm age 33 servant and Mary Lester age 19 servant.2
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 360 Central St, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 17 January 1920, in the household of Theodore Worcester Reed and Katrina Macy Rodenbach, his son and daughter-in-law and his family.3
  • Henry Beecher Reed appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of Theodore Worcester Reed and Katrina Macy Rodenbach, his son and daughter-in-law and his family.4

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  2. [S4614] 1910 US Federal Census, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Henry B Reed head of household, Ward 5, roll T624_610, enumeration district 1169, page 12B .
  3. [S4682] 1920 US Federal Census, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Theodore W Reed head of household, Ward 4, roll T625_716, enumeration district 372, page 2A .
  4. [S4726] 1930 US Federal Census, Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Rheodore W Reed head of household, roll 920, enumeration district 83, page 16B .

Helen Ainsworth Reed1,2,3

#23035, (1885-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Charles Edwin Bartlett (b. 17 February 1883)

  1. Josiah Reed Bartlett+ (b. 9 August 1913, d. 15 August 1997)
  2. Edith Russel Bartlett (b. April 1917)


  • Helen Ainsworth Reed was born on 22 November 1885 in Weymouth, Massachusetts.3
  • She graduated from Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, estimated 1905.2,4
  • She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 564 Main St, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 25 April 1910, in the household of her parents Henry Beecher Reed and Mary.5
  • Helen Ainsworth Reed married Charles Edwin Bartlett on 3 October 1910 in Weymouth, Massachusetts.3
  • Charles and Helen lived at 129 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.6
  • Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 209 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 15 January 1920. Emma Jan Lewis, age 23, a servant is also listed. They own their home.1
  • In 1925 Helen and Charles moved to Germantown, Pennsylvania.2
  • Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 3911 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 17 April 1930. Also listed is Margaret Reed age 45 a servant. The reported real estate valued at $35,000. They own a radio.7
  • [As described by her son Josiah] mother was 'a proper Victorian.....extremely beautiful and very warm and infallibly supportive, but truly 'New England' in that she was not able to show affection easily.8

Other Information


  1. [S2997] 1920 US Federal Census, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Edwin Bartle head of household, roll T625_1563, enumeration district 198, page 8A .
  2. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at
  3. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  4. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  5. [S4614] 1910 US Federal Census, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Henry B Reed head of household, Ward 5, roll T624_610, enumeration district 1169, page 12B .
  6. [S1167] World War I Draft Registration Card, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005, (Original publication: United States, Selective Service System World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, NARA Microfilm,).
  7. [S2998] 1930 US Federal Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, C E Bartlett head of household, roll 2125, enumeration district 1181, page 19B .
  8. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at, p.

Charles Edwin Bartlett1

#23036, (1883-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Helen Ainsworth Reed (b. 22 November 1885)

  1. Josiah Reed Bartlett+ (b. 9 August 1913, d. 15 August 1997)
  2. Edith Russel Bartlett (b. April 1917)


  • Charles Edwin Bartlett was born on 17 February 1883 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.2,3
  • He graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1905.4
  • He married Helen Ainsworth Reed, daughter of Henry Beecher Reed and Mary Reed Clark, on 3 October 1910 in Weymouth, Massachusetts.1
  • Charles and Helen lived at 129 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania.3
  • Charles Edwin Bartlett was the president of the firm Bartlett and Associates, a company which distributed Ruud water heaters.4
  • He and Helen appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 209 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 15 January 1920. Emma Jan Lewis, age 23, a servant is also listed. They own their home.5
  • In 1925 Charles and Helen moved to Germantown, Pennsylvania.4
  • Charles Edwin Bartlett was a President of a Gas Company (from the census - not quite correct.)6
  • He and Helen appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 3911 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 17 April 1930. Also listed is Margaret Reed age 45 a servant. The reported real estate valued at $35,000. They own a radio.6

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , .
  2. [S2926] Owen, Clint, compiler, family tree titled "Vann, Varnedoe & Related Lines", published by,, from database ID lcovenvv, updated Jan 2012, viewed Jan 2012 , DOB 1882 .
  3. [S1167] World War I Draft Registration Card, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005, (Original publication: United States, Selective Service System World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, NARA Microfilm,).
  4. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at
  5. [S2997] 1920 US Federal Census, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Edwin Bartle head of household, roll T625_1563, enumeration district 198, page 8A .
  6. [S2998] 1930 US Federal Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, C E Bartlett head of household, roll 2125, enumeration district 1181, page 19B .

Josiah Reed Bartlett1

#23037, (1913-1997)
Pedigree Link
Rev Dr Josiah R Bartlett 1913-1997



  • Josiah Reed Bartlett was born on 9 August 1913 in Pennsylvania.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 209 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 15 January 1920, in the household of his parents Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen.1
  • Josiah Reed Bartlett moved with his parents Charles and Helen in 1925 to Germantown, Pennsylvania.3
  • Josiah Reed Bartlett appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 3911 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 17 April 1930, in the household of his parents Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen.4
  • Josiah lived at 3111 Coulter St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.5
  • On 5 September 1931 Josiah traveled home from Europe on the ship Miranda, which left from Boulougne sur Mer, France.5
  • He graduated from Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts, in 1934 as Phi Beta Kappa.3
  • He graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1937 with a degree in English literature.3
  • He graduated from Union Theological Seminary, New York City, New York, in 1940 where his teachers were William Sloan Coffin, Paul Tillich and Reinhold Niebhur.3
  • He married Laile Eubank about 1940 in Marietta, Ohio.3
  • Josiah Reed Bartlett was a minister with the Uniterian-Universalist Church.6
  • Rev Bartlett served as Dean and then President of Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, CA, from 1949 until 1968.6
  • Josiah and Laile wrote books together and gave speeches on topics of mutual interest, e.g. Moment of Truth and A Religion for the Non-Religious...They were regarded as models of matrimonial and professional teamwork to all who came in contact with them.7
  • He was with congregations in Flatbush NY, Marietta Ohio, Seattle Washington and Tacoma Washington. He also served as interim minister in many churches from 1974 to June 1997.6
  • He died on 15 August 1997 in Berkeley, California, at age 84.2
  • In Oct of 2010 Arliss Ungar gave a paper to the Collegium /Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Convocation about the life and works of Rev Dr Josiah Reed Barlett. To read this document, please click here.3

Obit Notice

An obituary was published on 19 August 1997

Obituary notice from Jean Hartman, Department of Ministry UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association)

Dr Josiah R Bartlett died quietly at home on Friday, August 15, 1997, with his wife Laile, and daughter, Loel at his side. He was 84 years of age.

Dr Bartlett served congregations in Flatbush, NY; Marietta, OH; Seattle, WA; Tacoma, WA. In addition, he served 25 congregations as an Accredited Interim Minister from 1974 to June 1997, most recently in Fort Myers, FL and Albany, NY. From 1949 to 1968 he served as Dean (to 1957) and then President, of Starr King School for the Ministry.

Dr Bartlett is survived by his wife, Laile Eubank Bartlett; four children, Joel E.; Joselyn K (Mrs Anthony Mitsak); Loel S (Mrs Robert F Miller); Noel Channing; and three grandchildren. Messages of condolence may be sent to Mrs Bartlett at: 1771 Highland Place Berkeley, CA.

A memorial service will be held Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 1:00 p.m. at the Mt Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA. The Rev David Sammons, will officiate.

Other Information


  1. [S2997] 1920 US Federal Census, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Edwin Bartle head of household, roll T625_1563, enumeration district 198, page 8A .
  2. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).
  3. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at
  4. [S2998] 1930 US Federal Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, C E Bartlett head of household, roll 2125, enumeration district 1181, page 19B .
  5. [S1048] New York, US, Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957, online image database, digitized by Ancestry, 2010, (Original publication: Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957,,).
  6. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,
  7. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Edith Russel Bartlett1

#23038, (1917-)
Pedigree Link



  • Edith Russel Bartlett was born in April 1917 in Pennsylvania.1
  • She appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 209 Craswell St, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 15 January 1920, in the household of her parents Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen.1
  • Edith Russel Bartlett moved with her parents Charles and Helen in 1925 to Germantown, Pennsylvania.2
  • Edith Russel Bartlett appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 3911 Henry Ave, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, enumerated on 17 April 1930, in the household of her parents Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen.3

Other Information


  1. [S2997] 1920 US Federal Census, Ridley Park, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Edwin Bartle head of household, roll T625_1563, enumeration district 198, page 8A .
  2. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at
  3. [S2998] 1930 US Federal Census, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, C E Bartlett head of household, roll 2125, enumeration district 1181, page 19B .

Laile Eubank1,2

#23039, (1915-2006)
Pedigree Link
Laile Eubank Bartlett 1915-2006


  • Laile Eubank was born on 23 July 1915.1
  • She graduated from University of Cincinnati about 1935 with a BA, Phi Beta Kappa. She received a MA from American University in Washington DC, and a PhD in sociology from UC Berkeley.3
  • She married Josiah Reed Bartlett, son of Charles Edwin Bartlett and Helen Ainsworth Reed, about 1940 in Marietta, Ohio.4
  • Josiah and Laile wrote books together and gave speeches on topics of mutual interest, e.g. Moment of Truth and A Religion for the Non-Religious...They were regarded as models of matrimonial and professional teamwork to all who came in contact with them.3
  • In 1991 Laile lived at 1771 Highland Place, Berkeley, California.2
  • She died on 11 May 2006 in Walnut Creek, California, at age 90.1
  • An obituary was published in San Francisco Chronicle on 14 May 2006.3

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).
  2. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,
  3. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,
  4. [S54] Ungar, Arliss, The Life and Work of Rev Dr Josiah Bartlett (1913-1997), Collegium/Unitarian Universalist History & Heritage Collegium,Oct 2010, paper of Josiah Bartlett's observations along with writing of his friends,viewed online at

Loel Starr Bartlett1,2

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,
  2. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Joel Emerson Bartlett1,2

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,
  2. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Joselyn Kingsley Bartlett1,2

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,
  2. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Anthony Miksak1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,

Robert F Miller1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 16 February 2025 20:51:23


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,

Noel Channing Bartlett1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2999] Bartlett, Josiah Reed, from UUA, obituary from the UUA Church, 19 Aug 1997 obituary notice,

Charles Douglass1

#23046, (1829-1907)
Pedigree Link

Children with Cornelia Sargent (b. 11 December 1827, d. 18 March 1885)

  1. Charles Douglass (b. 16 August 1854, d. 2 February 1864)
  2. George S Douglass (b. 25 May 1857, d. 16 December 1890)
  3. Henry Douglass (b. 17 July 1860, d. 2 May 1863)
  4. Alfred Douglass (b. 15 October 1865)
  5. Harriet Cornelia Douglass (b. 1 July 1867, d. 31 October 1893)


  • Charles Douglass was born on 14 May 1829 in Vermont.2
  • He married Cornelia Sargent, daughter of Leonard Sargeant and Phebe Raymond, in April 1851.1
  • Charles Douglass was a hardware merchant.3
  • He and Cornelia appeared on the 1860 US Federal Census of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, enumerated on 29 June 1860. reporting real estate valued at $4000 and personal estate of $6000. Also in the house hold is Chloe Douglas (presumably) Charles's mother and Susan Redmond age 23 a servant.3
  • He died on 4 December 1907 in Manhattan; New York City, New York, at age 78.2
  • He was buried in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 101.
  2. [S5316] Find A Grave: Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York, Charles Douglass, created by Julie H, added Sep 2012, memorial number 97214091.
  3. [S1380] 1860 US Federal Census, Brooklyn Ward 11, Kings County, New York, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Douglas head of household, roll M653_770, page 710 .

Serena Reed Bartlett1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Raleigh Hart Miller1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Colby Reed Miller1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S3000] Bartlett, Laile, SFGate - the San Francisco Chronicle, on-line newspaper obituary, 14 May 2006 obituary notice,

Ilsa Frances (née unknown) Bartlett1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1469] Veromi, a current name and address on-line database,