Mrs. Ethel Grace Isham was born in West Chicago, July 10, 1878, the eldest daughter of Taylor Sargeant and Elizabeth Norris Sargeant. She lived in West Chicago until her marriage on July 15, 1908, to Orrin A. Isham. They made their home in Decatur, Mich. until the death of Mr. Isham in February, 1933. Mrs. Isham then returned to her girl-hood home, West Chicago, where she resided until her health began to fail about two years ago, when she moved to the Hotel Baker in order to be near her sister, Mrs. George Huppertz, in St. Charles.
On Sunday, May 29, she suffered a paralytic stroke and was taken to the St. Charles City Hospital where she received every possible medical attention. Her condition grew worse until she passed away at noon, Saturday, June 26.
Mrs. Isham was laid to rest in the family lot in the Oakwood Cemetery in West Chicago on Monday June 28. A beautiful funeral service was given in the West Chicago church by Dr. Robert Stephenson, pastor of the First Methodist church of St. Charles. The great number of floral offerings gave proof of the many loving friends that Mrs. Isham had.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her sisters, Mrs. George Huppertz of St. Charles and Mrs. Francis Moore of West Chicago, a brother William T. Sargeant, of Houston, Tex., and her niece, Mary Elizabeth Huppertz.
[Published in The St. Charles (IL) Chronicle, Thursday, July 1, 1937].1