PHELPS—The death of Mrs. Sarah Jane Phelps, Monday, February 11th, at the home of her son, Judson Lorenzo Phelps, at No. 70 Bellevue drive, removes from our midst, a life of rare beauty and excellence. She was born September 14, 1829 in Sullivan, Madison county, New York, having, after death, reached her 89th year.
She was the daughter of Ashley and Mary Webster Brooks, and on her maternal side was a direct descendant of Governor John Webster, of Connecticut, who in 1636 was one of the founders of the colony of Connecticut and a settler of the city of Hartford. Lieutenant Robert Webster, a son of Governor Webster, married Savannah Treat, daughter of Richard Treat. Esq., of Wethersfield, Conn., and a sister of Hon. Robert Treat, of the eighth governor of Connecticut. William Webster, a son of Lieutenant Robert Webster, married Sarah Nichols, daughter of William Nichols, of the line of Cyprian Nichols, of Hartford, and thus the blood of these historic families, Webster, Treat, Nichols, in the first three generations in America, flowed in her veins. Ensign William Webster's son, Samuel married Elisabeth Case, and their son, Timothy, of Madison, Conn., and Livingston Manor, Columbia County, N.Y., married Sarah Allen, and they were the parents of Mary (Webster) Brooks, mother of Mrs. Phelps, the latter being in the seventh generation from Governor John Webster.
October 5, 1848 she married Joshua Lorenzo Phelps, at Kellogsville, Cayuga County, N.Y. He died In Auburn, N. Y. Three children survive her, George Warren Phelps, of New York city, Judson Lorenzo Phelps and Vincent Ashley Phelps, of this city.
Funeral services were conducted at the residence by Rev. Melville R. Webster, associate pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of this city. Interment was in Mount Hope Cemetery "in hope of the resurrection of the just."2