born 7 December 1889 in Wardboro, Bear Lake, Idaho, United States
Married 7 December 1907 in Paris, Bear Lake, Idaho, United States
Died 17 March 1924 in Bakersfield, Kern, California, United States.
Mary Ann Dimick was the fourth and youngest child born to Rose Marie Dalrymple Dimick. Two of her siblings died as children. Her mother died soon after she was born and her father married the widow of his brother joining their families and more step siblings were born to them.
After Mary Ann married Parley and they had their oldest son Aderian Dimick in Bear Lake County, Idaho in 1908, the family lived in Wyoming where daughter Adeline (1911) and son DeOrr (1912) were born. They moved to Kern County, California, where sons Raymond (1915), Corwin (1916), Wallace Edwin (1919), and daughters Roselyn Johanna (1921), and Ida Mae (1924) were born. [All of the children are now deceased.]
Sources: LDS Church Membership Records, 1900, 1920 United States Federal Census, Western States Marriage Record Index, California Birth and Death Indexes, and several family trees on and