My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

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Person Page 1,730

Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp1

#43226, (1561-1612)
Pedigree Link


Child with Honora Rogers (b. estimated 1565, d. after 28 February 1608)

  1. William Seymour, 2nd Duke of Somerset+ (b. 1 September 1587, d. 24 October 1660)


  • Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp, was born on 24 September 1561 in The Tower of London, London, England.2
  • His mother, Lady Catherine Gray, was imprisoned in the Tower of London by Queen Elizabeth I - his mother had secretly married his father Edward Seymour. The living conditions were quite bad in the hopes either Lady Catherine Gray would die or miscarry.3
  • He married Honora Rogers before 1 July 1582.1,2
  • By 1603 Edward was the senior qualified heir to the throne under the will of King Henry VIII, who said the elder line of Stuarts should be passed over in favor of the younger line, the king's favorite sister. In spite of Henry VIII's wishes, the kingship did pass to the elder line.3
  • He died on 21 July 1612 at age 50.3

Other Information


  1. [S6178] Roberts, Gary Boyd, "The Shared Ancestry of (Rachel) Meghan Markle & Prince Harry", American Ancestors, , Journal Article - click to see chart,
  2. [S1060] Leo van de Pas, family web site titled "Genealogics - Leo Van de Pas",, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, name= Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp, viewed Oct 2018.

Honora Rogers1

#43227, (estimated 1565-after 1608)
Pedigree Link

Child with Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp, (b. 24 September 1561, d. 21 July 1612)

  1. William Seymour, 2nd Duke of Somerset+ (b. 1 September 1587, d. 24 October 1660)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S6178] Roberts, Gary Boyd, "The Shared Ancestry of (Rachel) Meghan Markle & Prince Harry", American Ancestors, , Journal Article - click to see chart,
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S1060] Leo van de Pas, family web site titled "Genealogics - Leo Van de Pas",, viewed Oct 2018 , .

Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford1

#43228, (1537-1621)
Pedigree Link


Children with Lady Catherine Grey (b. 25 August 1540, d. 26 January 1568)

  1. Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp+ (b. 24 September 1561, d. 21 July 1612)
  2. Thomas Seymour (b. 1562/63, d. 8 August 1600)


  • Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford, was born on 12 October 1537 in Wolf Hall, Wiltshire, England.2
  • He married Lady Catherine Grey in November 1560 in Canon Row, Westminster, England.1,2
  • They were married in secret, without Queen Elizabeth's premission, only Lady Jane Seymour (Edward's sister) present. There was a document; Catherine lost it. Lady Jane Seymour died of TB in 1561 and Lady Catherine was unable to prove the marriage.3
  • Queen Elizabeth sent Edward, Lord Hertford on a grand tour of Europe for the 'improvement of their education'. Catherine concealed her marriage and pregnancy from everyone until August - she was 8 months pregnant. Queen Elizabeth was very angry at her cousin marrying (political reasons - she was 2 or 3 or 4 in line for the throne). She put Lady Catherine in the Tower of London and put Edward Lord Hertford her husband in the Tower when he returned from his travels. The two were able to meet - while imprisoned Lady Catherine gave birth to 2 sons.3
  • In 1562 their marriage was annulled and they were censured as fornicators for 'carnal copulation' by the Archbiship of Canterbury. This made the 2 boys illegitimate and therefor ineligible as successors to the throne.3
  • He died on 6 April 1621 in Netley, Hampshire, England, at age 83.2

Other Information


  1. [S6178] Roberts, Gary Boyd, "The Shared Ancestry of (Rachel) Meghan Markle & Prince Harry", American Ancestors, , Journal Article - click to see chart,
  2. [S1060] Leo van de Pas, family web site titled "Genealogics - Leo Van de Pas",, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, name= Lady Katherine Grey, viewed Oct 2018.

Lady Catherine Grey1

#43229, (1540-1568)
Pedigree Link
Lady Catherine Grey Katherine Seymour, Countess of Hertford 1540-1568

Children with Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford, (b. 12 October 1537, d. 6 April 1621)

  1. Edward Seymour, Lord Beauchamp+ (b. 24 September 1561, d. 21 July 1612)
  2. Thomas Seymour (b. 1562/63, d. 8 August 1600)


  • Lady Catherine Grey was born on 25 August 1540 in England.2
  • Father: Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk, 3rd Marquess of Dorset (b 17 Jan 1517) - Mother: Lady Frances Brandon (b 16 Jul 1517.)3
  • On 25 May 1553 Lady Catherine married Henry, Lord Herbert, heir apparent to William Herbert 1st Earl of Pembroke. At the same time her older sister Lady Jane married Lord Guildford Dudley. Upon the death of King Edward VI (6 Jul 1553) Lady Jane became Queen for 9 days. She lost the popular support (it was political and had to do with religion, the Scottish Catholic faction). Lady Jane & her father were executed in Feb 1554. Meanwhile Lord Pembroke wanted to distance himself from the Grey family & had the marriage of his son annulled.2
  • She married Edward Seymour, 1st Earl of Hertford, son of Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, and Anne Stanhope, Duchess of Somerset,, in November 1560 in Canon Row, Westminster, England.1,3
  • They were married in secret, without Queen Elizabeth's premission, only Lady Jane Seymour (Edward's sister) present. There was a document; Catherine lost it. Lady Jane Seymour died of TB in 1561 and Lady Catherine was unable to prove the marriage.2
  • Queen Elizabeth sent Edward, Lord Hertford on a grand tour of Europe for the 'improvement of their education'. Catherine concealed her marriage and pregnancy from everyone until August - she was 8 months pregnant. Queen Elizabeth was very angry at her cousin marrying (political reasons - she was 2 or 3 or 4 in line for the throne). She put Lady Catherine in the Tower of London and put Edward Lord Hertford her husband in the Tower when he returned from his travels. The two were able to meet - while imprisoned Lady Catherine gave birth to 2 sons.2
  • In 1562 their marriage was annulled and they were censured as fornicators for 'carnal copulation' by the Archbiship of Canterbury. This made the 2 boys illegitimate and therefor ineligible as successors to the throne.2
  • Lady Catherine was never free again, she moved from house to house in the custody of various people.2
  • Lady Catherine Grey died on 26 January 1568 in Cockfield Hall, Yoxford, Suffolk, England, at age 27.2
  • The cause of her death was consumption.2



Tudor of the Month: Katherine Grey

Together with Tudor Times we profile a different figure every month. Here, Melita Thomas tackles Lady Katherine Grey, a woman imprisoned by her royal blood.

Lady Katherine Grey’s story is one of the saddest among many tragic tales of Tudor women. Katherine was the grand-daughter of Henry VIII’s younger sister, Mary. While not as intellectually gifted as her older sister Jane, Katherine benefited from a fashionable Humanist education and learnt Latin and Greek as well as the usual accomplishments of French and music. The other fashion the Greys followed was in religion. Her father was one of the most committed followers of the Reformed faith, and his daughters were brought up in it.

In 1547, King Henry died. His Will bequeathed the throne first to his legitimate son, now Edward VI, then his daughters Mary and Elizabeth. If these three died without heirs, Katherine’s older sister was to succeed, followed by Katherine herself. Only seven years old at the time, she probably didn’t understand any of this, but by passing over a more senior branch of the family, descended from his elder sister, Henry had raised the value of the Grey sisters, and at the same time, made them dangerous to his daughters.

Edward VI’s reign was short, and, when it became apparent that he would not beget an heir, his councillors scurried to improve their status by marrying the Grey sisters to their sons. Lady Jane was married to Guilford Dudley, son of the Duke of Northumberland, and Katherine, although only 12, to the son of the Earl of Pembroke. As the young king was dying, he tried to change the succession to bypass his Catholic sister Mary, and settle the crown on the firmly Protestant Jane. Alas for the Grey family, Jane was queen for less than two weeks before Mary triumphed and dispatched her to the Tower.

Queen Mary had always been close to Katherine’s mother, so neither she nor her two younger daughters were punished, although the Earl of Pembroke swiftly had Katherine’s marriage dissolved. Following further rebellion, Katherine’s father and sister were executed but Katherine, by then 14, was given a place of honour in the Queen’s Privy Chamber, where her status entitled her to a gentlewoman to carry her train. Sometime in 1558, Katherine met Edward Seymour, nephew of Henry VIII’s third wife, Jane. He and Katherine fell in love, but before she could ask for consent to marry, Queen Mary died.

The new queen, Elizabeth I, neither liked Katherine personally, nor, politically, did she want to show honour to a possible heir. Katherine was demoted in the palace hierarchy. Plots began to form around her – the Spanish talked of kidnapping her and the Scottish regent suggested a match with his son. Katherine wanted only to marry Seymour, now Earl of Hertford. After a year of surreptitious meetings, the two were secretly married.

Shortly after, Hertford was obliged to go abroad on government business. While he was away, Katherine discovered she was pregnant. She eventually confessed her dark secret to Elizabeth’s favourite, Robert Dudley, begging him to intercede for her. Elizabeth was incandescent with rage. While she herself was still debating marriage, the last thing she needed was a young, Protestant, mother-of-a-son waiting for her to die. Katherine was clapped in the Tower of London, and Hertford recalled to join her – although not in the same apartments. They were to be kept strictly apart. An investigation into their marriage deemed it illegal, but they were not released. Even their gaolers had sympathy for the couple and turned a blind eye to two meetings, which resulted in another pregnancy. Elizabeth’s rage knew no bounds and Hertford was fined £15,000 for “deflowering a royal virgin”.

Katherine remained languishing in the Tower. In 1563, to escape plague, she was sent to a country house in Essex while Hertford and their eldest son remained confined in London. Over the next five years Katherine was moved to a succession of houses, with different custodians. She continued to plead with Elizabeth for mercy, but it was refused. Finally, Katherine gave into despair which fatally damaged her health. She died, aged only 28. Hertford survived her by more than 50 years, but they were finally reunited when their grandson had her remains moved to lie beside his in Salisbury Cathedral.

For more on Lady Katherine Grey visit the Tudor Times.

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S6178] Roberts, Gary Boyd, "The Shared Ancestry of (Rachel) Meghan Markle & Prince Harry", American Ancestors, , Journal Article - click to see chart,
  2. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, name= Lady Katherine Grey, viewed Oct 2018.
  3. [S1060] Leo van de Pas, family web site titled "Genealogics - Leo Van de Pas",, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  4. [S6215] Hales, Sally and Melita Thomas, "Tudor of the Month: Katherine Grey", Britain - The Official Magazine, , Journal Article - a tourist magazine focusing on history, London, the royals and the tudors,, viewed Oct 2018.

Thomas Seymour1

#43230, (1562/63-1600)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Seymour was born in 1562/63 in Tower of London, London, England.1
  • He died on 8 August 1600 at age ~37.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 10th cousin 13 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, name= Lady Katherine Grey, viewed Oct 2018.

Myrtle Carrie Vanworner1

#43231, (1886-1945)
Pedigree Link


  • Myrtle Carrie Vanworner was born on 7 October 1886 in Michigan.1
  • She completed 2 years of high school.2
  • Myrtle was married to Joseph Linden (b 1883). They had 3 children, and then divorced.1
  • She married Rollie Lloyd Cummings, son of Ridgley Theodore Cummings and Mary Edith Drake, on 18 March 1928 in California.1,3
  • Rollie Lloyd Cummings and Myrtle appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 53 Madeira Ave, Alisal, Monterey County, California, enumerated on 12 April 1940. They rent their home for $22.2
  • She died on 2 April 1945 in Solano County, California, at age 58.1
  • She was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Cypress, California. Plot: Dawn, Map 8, Lot 3881, Space 3.4

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4466] Terri Dunklee Sautter, compiler, family tree titled "Sautter Family Tree", published by,, from database ID 8861483, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6216] 1940 US Federal Census, Alisal, Monterey County, California, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Rollie Cummings head of household, roll M-T0627_00267, enumeration district 27-9A, page 16A .
  3. [S2870] California County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records 1849-1980, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2017, (Original publication: California Dept of Public Health courtesy of Digital Images.,) California index of data Rollie L Cummings-Carrie (Van) Wormer.
  4. [S7284] Find A Grave: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Cypress), Cypress, California, Myrtle Cummings, created by Duke Fuller, Chris Mills, added Jul 2012, memorial number 94516227.

Daniel W Davis1,2

#43232, (about 1848-)
Pedigree Link


  • Daniel W Davis was born about 1848 in Londonderry, Vermont.1
  • Father: Daniel Davis - Mother: Laura Ryder.1
  • In 1875 Daniel W Davis was an engineer.1
  • He married Lizzie Waite Gould, daughter of Joel Gould and Margaret Sargent, on 2 March 1880 in Chester, Vermont.1
  • Daniel W Davis and Lizzie appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, enumerated on 10 June 1880.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4907] Vermont, Vital Records, 1720-1908, online image database, digitized by Operations, Inc, 2013, (Original publication: State of Vermont Vermont Vital Records through 1870, NEHGS, Boston MA,) marriage record Dewsel (?) Davis, p1389.
  2. [S2106] 1880 US Federal Census, Glencoe, McLeod County, Minnesota, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Daniel W Davis head of household, roll 625, page 102D, enumeration district 082 .

Aileen Fay Martin1,2

#43233, (1916-1995)
Pedigree Link

Child with Benjamin O Brady (b. 6 July 1912, d. 19 May 1968)

  1. Carole Sue Brady+


  • Aileen Fay Martin was born on 15 June 1916 in Illinois.1,3
  • She married Benjamin O Brady, son of Howard Brady and Ella B Huntington, on 9 June 1939 in East St Louis, Illinois.1,2
  • Benjamin O Brady and Aileen appeared on the 1950 US Federal Census of 924 McClellan, Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, enumerated on 11 April 1950.3
  • She died on 5 April 1995 in Mountainhome, Pennsylvania, at age 78.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S9334] Find A Grave: Seese Hill Cemetery, Canadensis, Pennsylvania, Aileen F Brady, created by Louise Floria, added Aug 2012, memorial number 95034426.
  2. [S9337] Clinton Daily Journal and Public, Clinton IL, Newspaper, Bradey [sic] - Martin weddind announcement, published 13 jun 1939 p 3.
  3. [S7877] 1950 US Federal Census, Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Benjamin Brady head of household, roll 1462, page 2 enumeration district 105-38 .

Carole Sue Brady1

Pedigree Link


Children with Robert James Besecker (b. 27 March 1942, d. 9 January 1994)

  1. Duane Besecker (b. 2 November 1970, d. 16 October 1993)
  2. Eric Jason Besecker

Other Information


  1. [S9335] Herald and Review, Decatur IL, Newspaper, Benjamin Brady obituary notice, published 20 May 1960 p 10.

Robert James Besecker1,2,3

#43235, (1942-1994)
Pedigree Link

Children with Carole Sue Brady

  1. Duane Besecker (b. 2 November 1970, d. 16 October 1993)
  2. Eric Jason Besecker


  • Robert James Besecker was born on 27 March 1942 in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.2,4
  • Father: James Besecker - Mother: Mildred Evans.2
  • In 1968 Robert lived in Fort Stewart, Georgia.1
  • Robert served in the Army during the Vietnam War. He enlisted 15 Nov 1967 and was discharged 1 Nov 1973.2,4
  • He died on 9 January 1994 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, at age 51.2
  • He was buried in Seese Hill Cemetery, Canadensis, Pennsylvania.3
  • An obituary was published in The Morning Call, Allentown, Pennsylvania, on 10 January 1994.2

Other Information


  1. [S9335] Herald and Review, Decatur IL, Newspaper, Ben O Brady obituary notice, published 20 May 1960 p 5.
  2. [S9081] The Morning Call, Allentown, PA, Newspaper, obituary notice Robert J Besecker, published 10 Jan 1994 p 18.
  3. [S9334] Find A Grave: Seese Hill Cemetery, Canadensis, Pennsylvania, Robert James Besecker, created by Team Monoskey, A M P, added Jun 2011, memorial number 70742734.
  4. [S3978] US, Dept of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2011 (Original publication: US Department of Veterans Affairs, Beneficiary Identification Records Locator Subsystem BIRLS Death File, Washington DC). R J Besecker.

Faye LaRocco1

#43236, (1948-2009)
Pedigree Link
Faye LaRocco Sharpe 1948-2009


Children with John Rich Sharpe (b. 6 May 1945, d. 4 February 2010)

  1. Stephanie Sharpe
  2. Natalie Sharpe


  • Faye LaRocco was born on 2 June 1948 in Montpelier, Idaho.2
  • She married John Rich Sharpe on 28 December 1967 in Montpelier, Idaho.2
  • She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.2
  • In 1969 Faye and John moved to Denver, Colorado.3
  • In Colorado she opened a floral shop and mail center.2
  • She died on 6 July 2009 in Montpelier, Idaho, at age 61.2
  • She was buried in Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho.2

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in Idaho State Journal on 8 July 2009

MONTPELIER - Faye LaRocco Sharpe, 61, passed away on July 6, 2009, at Bear Lake Memorial Hospital, surrounded by her family.

Faye was born on June 2, 1948, in Montpelier, Idaho, to Cecil and Lula Dimick LaRocco. Faye attended schools in Bear Lake and graduated from Montpelier High School. She participated in the Miss Bear Lake Pageant, and was also the drill master for the Pepettes.

Faye married John Sharpe on December 28, 1967, in Montpelier, Idaho. To this union was born two daughters Stephanie, and Natalie. Faye moved to Colorado and opened a floral shop and mail center. She was always able to extend her passion for creativity and business, and success followed her. Faye was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She loved being outdoors, and enjoyed camping with friends and family. She also loved to shop and play games.

Faye is survived by her husband, John Sharpe; daughters, Stephanie Sharpe, and Natalie Sharpe; and two grandsons, Travis J. Harlan, and Jacob C. Hanover. She was preceded in death by her parents, brother, and sister.

Funeral services will be held on Friday, July 10, 2009, at noon at Matthews Mortuary in Montpelier, Idaho. Friends may call prior to services from 10 to 11:45 a.m., also at the mortuary. Interment will be in the Wardboro Cemetery.2

Other Information


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Lula Dimick LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195562.
  2. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Faye LaRocco Sharpe, created by In Memory of Margo & Jens, added Jan 2011, memorial number 63607714.
  3. [S2428] Find A Grave: Montpelier City Cemetery, Montpelier, Idaho, John Rich Sharpe, created by In Memory of Margo & Jens, added Jan 2011, memorial number 63607685.

John Rich Sharpe1

#43237, (1945-2010)
Pedigree Link
John Rich Sharpe 1945-2010

Children with Faye LaRocco (b. 2 June 1948, d. 6 July 2009)

  1. Stephanie Sharpe
  2. Natalie Sharpe


  • John Rich Sharpe was born on 6 May 1945 in Montpelier, Idaho.2
  • Father: Charles Tennyson Sharpe (b 1911) - Mother: Gwendolyn Rich (b 1915.)2
  • He graduated from Idaho State University in 1967 with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.2
  • He married Faye LaRocco, daughter of Cecil Cook LaRocco and Lula Dimick, on 28 December 1967 in Montpelier, Idaho.3
  • In 1969 John and Faye moved to Denver, Colorado.2
  • He was employed by Ford Motor Company as an executive.2
  • He died on 4 February 2010 in Davis County, Utah, at age 64.2
  • The cause of his death was complications from a car accident.2
  • He was buried in Montpelier City Cemetery, Montpelier, Idaho.2

Obit Notice

An obituary was published

John Rich Sharpe, 64, passed away Feb. 4, 2010, at Davis County Hosital, due to complications of an automobile accident.

He was born to Tennyson and Gwen Rich Sharpe on May 6, 1945 in Montpelier. He was the middle of three children. John attended Montpelier schools, and graduated from Montpelier High in 1963. During high school he competed in track. John worked for his Uncle, Keith Rich, at the Ford Motor garage all during high school. After graduating, John went on to college at Idaho State University, graduating in 1967 with a Bachelors Degree on Business Administration. He also was in the army reserves after high school.

On, Dec. 28, 1967 John married Faye Lajune LaRocco, and to this union two daughters were born, Stephanie and Natalie. In 1969 John and Faye moved to Denver, where he spent 30 years working for the Ford Motor Company as an executive. He maintained and watched over all the Ford dealerships in nine states. John loved the outdoors, camping, fishing, and hunting. In his younger years he also enjoyed horseback riding. Through out his life he never lost his love of working on cars.

John is survived by his daughters, Stephanie L. Sharpe and Natalie Sharpe. Two grandsons Travis J. Harlan and Jacob C Hanover. He was proceded in death by his wife, Faye Lajune LaRocco; parents, Tennyson and Gwen Sharpe; brother, Brian Sharpe and sister, Barbara Zinkevics.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 13 at noon in the Montpelier LDS Fourth Ward Church on 485 South Seventh Street in Montpelier. Friends may call prior to services from 10 to 11:45 a.m. at the church. Interment will be in the Montpelier Cemetery.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Lula Dimick LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195562.
  2. [S2428] Find A Grave: Montpelier City Cemetery, Montpelier, Idaho, John Rich Sharpe, created by In Memory of Margo & Jens, added Jan 2011, memorial number 63607685.
  3. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Faye LaRocco Sharpe, created by In Memory of Margo & Jens, added Jan 2011, memorial number 63607714.

Stephanie Sharpe1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Lula Dimick LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195562.

Natalie Sharpe1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Lula Dimick LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195562.

Stephen LaRocco1

#43240, (1951-)
Pedigree Link



  • Stephen LaRocco was born in 1951.2
  • He died as an infant.2
  • He was buried in Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho.2

Other Information


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Lula Dimick LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195562.
  2. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Stephen C LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195564.

Tammy LaRocco1

#43241, (1957-)
Pedigree Link



  • Tammy LaRocco was born in 1957.1
  • She died as an infant.1
  • She was buried in Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho.1

Other Information


  1. [S3704] Find A Grave: Wardboro Cemetery, Wardboro, Idaho, Tammy LaRocco, created by Lisa Olorenshaw, added Nov 2008, memorial number 31195565.

Seward Dunn1

#43242, (1855-1874)
Pedigree Link



  • Seward Dunn was born on 8 June 1855 in Shopiere, Wisconsin.1
  • He died on 3 January 1874 in Iowa at age 18.1

Other Information


  1. [S4466] Terri Dunklee Sautter, compiler, family tree titled "Sautter Family Tree", published by,, from database ID 8861483, viewed Oct 2018 , .

Thomas Woolson1

#43243, (1777-1837)
Pedigree Link


Children with Hannah Peabody Chandler (b. October 1779, d. 30 August 1851)

  1. Charles Jarvis Woolson+ (b. 29 June 1806, d. 1869)
  2. Thomas Woolson (b. 1808, d. 26 April 1826)
  3. Mary Ann Woolson (b. 1811, d. 17 January 1842)
  4. Samuel Woolson (b. 27 June 1814, d. 11 December 1814)
  5. George Woolson (b. January 1816, d. 26 October 1816)
  6. Henry Chandler Woolson (b. 10 January 1818, d. 23 March 1897)
  7. Stella Woolson+ (b. 26 October 1821, d. 18 May 1878)
  8. Jane Augusta Woolson (b. 1822)



Thomas invented and patented the first successful iron cooking stove in America and a cast iron plow blade. He also built the town clocks in Amherst and Claremont NH.3

Other Information


  1. [S6221] Harvin, Tammy, compiler, family tree titled "Neverending", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 82598159, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .

Hannah Peabody Chandler1

#43244, (1779-1851)
Pedigree Link


Children with Thomas Woolson (b. 1777, d. 3 July 1837)

  1. Charles Jarvis Woolson+ (b. 29 June 1806, d. 1869)
  2. Thomas Woolson (b. 1808, d. 26 April 1826)
  3. Mary Ann Woolson (b. 1811, d. 17 January 1842)
  4. Samuel Woolson (b. 27 June 1814, d. 11 December 1814)
  5. George Woolson (b. January 1816, d. 26 October 1816)
  6. Henry Chandler Woolson (b. 10 January 1818, d. 23 March 1897)
  7. Stella Woolson+ (b. 26 October 1821, d. 18 May 1878)
  8. Jane Augusta Woolson (b. 1822)


  • Hannah Peabody Chandler was born in October 1779 in New Hampshire.2
  • She married Thomas Woolson, son of Thomas Woolson and Joanna Dexter, on 7 April 1805 in Springfield, Vermont.2
  • Hannah Peabody Chandler died on 30 August 1851 in Greenlake, Wisconsin, at age 71.2

Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Oct 2018 , .

Charles Jarvis Woolson1

#43245, (1806-1869)
Pedigree Link


Children with Hannah Cooper Pomeroy (b. 15 November 1808, d. 1 February 1879)

  1. Gorgianna Pomeroy Woolson (b. 2 March 1831)
  2. Emma Cornelia Clark Woolson (b. 22 March 1833)
  3. Anne Pomeroy Cooper Woolson (b. 14 January 1835)
  4. Gertrude Elizabeth Woolson (b. 28 June 1836)
  5. Julia Campbell Woolson (b. 30 April 1838)
  6. Constance Fenimore Woolson (b. 5 March 1840, d. 24 January 1894)
  7. Clara Woolson (b. 20 December 1843)
  8. Alice Woolson (b. 8 June 1845)
  9. Charles Jarvis Woolson (b. 7 September 1846)


Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6244] Kossmann, Jason, compiler, family tree titled "Famous People", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID famouspeople, updated Nov 2017, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S6224] eq1967, compiler, family tree titled "Family Tree of Claude P Perry II", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID cpp, updated May 2013, viewed May 2019 , .

Mary Ann Woolson1

#43246, (1811-1842)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Ann Woolson was born in 1811 in Claremont, New Hampshire.2
  • She died on 17 January 1842 in Cleveland, Ohio, at age ~31.3

Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Sep 2022 , .

Thomas Woolson1

#43247, (1808-1826)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Woolson was born in 1808 in Chester, Vermont.2
  • He died on 26 April 1826 in Claremont, New Hampshire, at age ~18.2

Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Sep 2022 , .

Samuel Woolson1

#43248, (1814-1814)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel Woolson was born on 27 June 1814 in Amherst, New Hampshire.1
  • He died on 11 December 1814 in Amherst, New Hampshire, at age 5 months and 14 days.2

Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Sep 2022 , .

George Woolson1

#43249, (1816-1816)
Pedigree Link



  • George Woolson was born in January 1816 in Amherst, New Hampshire.2
  • He died on 26 October 1816 in Claremont, New Hampshire, at age 0.2

Other Information


  1. [S1757] Aldrich, Douglas Stewart, compiler, family tree titled "2015 New Aldrich Tree", published by RootsWeb WorldConnect,, from database ID doug1150, updated May 2016, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Sep 2022 , .

Henry Chandler Woolson1

#43250, (1818-1897)
Pedigree Link



  • Henry Chandler Woolson was born on 10 January 1818 in Claremont, New Hampshire.2
  • He married Emily Sheldon estimated 1846.1,3
  • He died on 23 March 1897 in Buffalo, New York, at age 79.1

Other Information


  1. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Sep 2022 , .
  2. [S6225] WoolsonAbrams, compiler, family tree titled "WoolsonAbrams", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 28569133, viewed Oct 2018 , .
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.