Reverend Frank S. Kenyon
Reverend Frank Soule Kenyon was born in Hamlin, New York May 20, 1873. His parents were James Norman Kenyon and Mariam Soule Kenyon, well known residents of that section. He was grauated from Brockport Normal School in 1893; from the University of Rochester in 1897, and the Rochester Theological School in 1900. He married Miss Lucy A. Taber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taber of Hilton, August 28, 1897.
During his semimary course he was acting pastor of Ontario Baptist church and shortly after his graduation from seminary, he became pastor of Weedsport, where he remained until February 1903. At this time he accepted a call from the Park Avenue church at Paterson, New Jersey, and did very efficient work there for five years. During his Paterson pastorate he served as vice president of the New York Baptist Ministers Conference, which includes, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, president of the Pastors Conference of Paterson, and moderator of the North New Jersey, Baptist Ministers Association.
In February, 1908, the Fairport First Baptist Church extended a call which he accepted and for the past seven years he had been idientified with the church and the community in every effort put forth for the religious and moral welfare of the people. . . . . very long article about his church work.
Funeral of Mr. Kenyon
The funeral held Tuesday afternoon, with a private service at the parsonage at 1 o'clock and a public service at 1:30, conducted by his personal friends, Dr. Clarence A. Barbour, president of the Rochester Theological Seminary and Reverend. E. H. Dutton, assistant pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church, New York City. Burial was at Parma Center Cemetery.
Included among the near surviving relatives are the widow, Lucy Taber Kenyon, and three daughters, Ruth Eleanor, aged fifteen; Frances Miriam, aged twelve, and Florence Taber aged ten; five brothers, William M. Kenyon of Albion; George O. Kenyon and Charles H. Kenyon of Hamlin; Harry N. Kenyon of Rochester; Randall A. Kenyon of Iroudequoit; three sisters, Mrs. George Roberts of Lyndonville; Mrs. Frank Torpy of Rochester and Mrs. Elmer J. Timmerman of Hamlin.1