vThe Hilton Record, Hilton, New York, Thursday, July 5, 1956, page 5
Ruth E. Kenyon
A memorial service was held Thursday afternoon at Brick Presbyterian Church Chapel, Rochester, for Miss Ruth E. Kenyon, director of Christian eduation of the Presbytery of Rochester, who died early Saturday, afternoon June 30, of a heat attack.
Miss Kenyon was born in Rochester, received a batchlors degree from the University of Rochester in 1931 and a masters degree from Columbia University. She taught at Monroe High School before becoming director of religious education for Brick Church and later First Presbyertian Church in Morristown, New York. She held the Presbytery office at the time of her death.
Miss Kenyon was a daughter of Mrs. Lucy Taber Kenyon, a native of Hilton and the late Reverend Frank Kenyon.
Besides her mother she is survived by two sisters, Florence Kenyon of Rochester and Frances Kenyon of Honolulu.
A private burial was held in Parma Union Cemetery.1