John S. Thomas
HOMEDALE — Services for John S. Thomas, 78, Marsing, who died Friday, will be 2 p.m. Tuesday, Homedale Flahiff Chapel. Officiating, Second Counselor Ward Larsen, Marsing LDS Church. Interment, Hillcrest. Born April 12, 1887, Spanish Fork, Utah, where attended school. Married Cynthia Lovina Dimick July 10, 1914, Spanish Fork. Moved to Carey, Idaho, 1915, and homesteaded. Moved to Nampa, 1928, and to Marsing, 1931. Retired 1956 from farming because of ill health. Mrs. Thomas died July 13, 1957. Member Carey LDS Church. Survivors: sons, Earl J. Thomas, Bremerton, Wash.; Hugh S. Thomas, Soap Lake, Wash.; daughters, Mrs. Lucile Proctor, Homedale; Mrs. Rhoda L. Magilavy, Los Altos, Calif.; Mrs. Ellen D. Bledsoe, Sparks, Nev.; Mrs. Lew Von Basey, Wilder; Mrs. Clair Korn, Bothell, Wash.; brother, Grant Thomas, Richfield; 17 grandchildren, three great grandchildren. Two sons and a brother preceded him death.
Idaho Sunday Statesman, June 27, 1965 Page 2-D.4