My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 865

Ezra Hill Garner1

#21601, (1906-1981)
Pedigree Link
Ezra Hill Garner 1906-1981

Child with Madge Loveless (b. 27 August 1920, d. 12 December 1977)

  1. Earl Vaughan Garner (b. 18 May 1948, d. 10 February 1949)


  • Ezra Hill Garner was born on 9 August 1906 in Liberty, Utah.1
  • Father: James Albert Garner (b 2 Oct 1875 North Ogden, Utah) - Mother: Sarah Kerr Hill (b 1 Oct 1882 Wellsville, Utah.)1
  • He married Madge Loveless, daughter of Vaughan Tilllman Loveless and Laurel E Dimmick, on 3 April 1940 in Salt Lake City, Utah.1
  • Ezra Hill Garner died on 5 August 1981 in Payson, Utah, at age 74.2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 26 Lot 2 Pos 6.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2515] Reynolds, Marilyn L, compiler, family tree titled "Ancestors of Clarence 7 Margaret Reynolds", published by,, from database ID mreynol, updated Nov 2006, viewed Aug 2011 , .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Ezra Hill Garner, created by SMS, Cindy Baldogo, added Oct 2008, memorial number 30983529.

Earl Vaughan Garner1

#21602, (1948-1949)
Pedigree Link



  • Earl Vaughan Garner was born on 18 May 1948 in Utah.1
  • He died on 10 February 1949 at age 8 months and 23 days.1
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah.1

Other Information


  1. [S2515] Reynolds, Marilyn L, compiler, family tree titled "Ancestors of Clarence 7 Margaret Reynolds", published by,, from database ID mreynol, updated Nov 2006, viewed Aug 2011 , .

Laura Mitchell1

#21603, (1870-1872)
Pedigree Link



  • Laura Mitchell was born on 1 February 1870 in Alabama.1,2
  • She appeared on the 1870 US Federal Census of Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama, enumerated on 10 August 1870, in the household of her parents Eugene Severn Mitchell and Chloe.1
  • Laura Mitchell was usually called Lollie.2
  • She died in August 1872 at age 2.2
  • She was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Griffin, Georgia. Plot: Block 6.2

Other Information


  1. [S2516] 1870 US Federal Census, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Eugene Mitchell head of household, Ward 5, roll M593_35, page 546B .
  2. [S7162] Find A Grave: Oak Hill Cemetery, Griffin, Georgia, Lollie Mitchell, created by Rebekah Duncan, aded Agu 2008, memorial number 28924507.

Major Elmer Loveless1,2

#21604, (1882-1966)
Pedigree Link


Child with Lillian Ballard (b. 3 May 1883, d. 8 March 1953)

  1. Grace Loveless (b. 17 February 1915, d. 3 April 2001)


  • Major Elmer Loveless was born on 8 July 1882 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of his parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Major Elmer Loveless married Lillian Ballard in 1902.3,4
  • He died on 27 September 1966 in Payson, Utah, at age 84.3,2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 31 Lot 2 Pos 6.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Major Elmer Loveless, created by Cindy Baldogo, added 2008, memorial number 31806670.
  3. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  4. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Lillian Ballard Loveless, created by Cindy Baldogo, added 2008, memorial number 31806666.

Delos Loveless1

#21605, (1885-1908)
Pedigree Link



  • Delos Loveless was born on 25 August 1885 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of his parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Delos Loveless died on 25 September 1908 in Payson, Utah, at age 23.2
  • The cause of his death was typhoid fever and pneumonia.2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: 20_11_4.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Delos Loveless, created by Shelly L Furner, added Jul 2008, memorial number 28302916.

Dora Loveless1

#21606, (1887-1979)
Pedigree Link



  • Dora Loveless was born on 13 August 1887 in Utah.1,2
  • Her name at birth was Meldora.2
  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of her parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Dora Loveless married George Albert Ballard in 1905.3
  • She died on 16 February 1979 at age 91.2
  • She was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 41, Lot 17, pos 7.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Meldora Loveless Ballard, created by SMS, Cindy Baldogo, added Sep 2008, memorial number 3-112729.
  3. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, George Albert Ballard, created by SMS, Cindy Baldogo, added Sep 2008, memorial number 30112719.

Martin Hill Loveless1,2

#21607, (1891-1955)
Pedigree Link


Children with Theresa Richardson (b. 22 June 1899, d. 12 June 1972)

  1. Pauline Loveless
  2. Eugene Hill Loveless (b. 8 February 1923, d. 25 December 1953)
  3. Alton Loveless
  4. Myrtle Loveless


  • Martin Hill Loveless was born on 18 October 1891 in Payson, Utah.1,3
  • He was also known as Hill.3
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of his parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Martin Hill Loveless married Jennie Boyle on 29 September 1913.4
  • Martin Hill Loveless was a farmer.3
  • He married Theresa Richardson on 29 December 1920.4
  • He died on 3 August 1955 at age 63.5
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah.6

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2518] Linda, compiler, family tree titled "Carpenter Family and Related Lines", published by,, from database ID carptree, updated Feb 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , added first name .
  3. [S1167] World War I Draft Registration Card, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005, (Original publication: United States, Selective Service System World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, NARA Microfilm,).
  4. [S2518] Linda, compiler, family tree titled "Carpenter Family and Related Lines", published by,, from database ID carptree, updated Feb 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  5. [S2341] Utah County, Utah, Cemetery Index 1847-1997, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 1998 (Original publication: Utah Valley Regional Family History Center, Utah County, Utah, Cemetery Index 1847-1997, Utah Valley Regional Family History Center Provo, Utah).
  6. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Martin Hill Loveless, created by Cindy Baldogo, added 2008, memorial number 31806675.

Thomas Bruce Loveless1,2

#21608, (1893-1911)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Bruce Loveless was born on 19 October 1893 in Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of his parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Thomas Bruce Loveless died on 25 August 1911 at age 17.2
  • The cause of his death was Pachymeningtis - inflamation of the dura matter surrounding the brain. He also had Chronic Otitis Media which is fluid behind the ear drum that doesn't go away.2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Thomas Bruce Loveless, created by Shelly L Furner, added Jul 2008, memorial number 28302838.

Elmer Dean Loveless1,2

#21609, (1898-1972)
Pedigree Link
Elmer Dean Loveless 1898-1972


Child with Jennie Ferre (b. 30 June 1897, d. 24 March 1984)

  1. Elmer Dean Loveless (b. 21 January 1929, d. 28 June 1946)


  • Elmer Dean Loveless was born on 11 March 1898 in Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of his parents Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary.1
  • Elmer Dean Loveless married Jennie Ferre on 23 December 1920 in Salt Lake City, Utah.3,4
  • He died on 31 October 1972 at age 74.2
  • He was buried in Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2448] Find A Grave: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Elmer Dean Loveless Sr, created by familyroots40, added Jul 2010, memorial number 55164083.
  3. [S2448] Find A Grave: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Jennie Ferre Loveless, created by familyroots40, added Jul 2010, memorial number 55164229.
  4. [S2518] Linda, compiler, family tree titled "Carpenter Family and Related Lines", published by,, from database ID carptree, updated Feb 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .

William Hill Searle1,2

#21610, (1877-1952)
Pedigree Link
William Hill Searle 1877-1952

Children with Rose Alba Loveless (b. 14 May 1880, d. 26 June 1962)

  1. Iona Searle+ (b. 8 June 1899, d. 28 March 1968)
  2. Nina Miae Searle (b. 8 September 1902, d. 10 October 2004)
  3. Lee H Searle+ (b. 6 November 1904, d. 6 July 1979)
  4. Louie Lavinia Searle+ (b. 3 February 1906, d. 10 February 1960)
  5. Zenola Fay Searle (b. 27 January 1909, d. 20 May 1985)
  6. Rex Delos Searle (b. 27 April 1911, d. 22 April 1997)
  7. Kenneth B Searle (b. about 1914)
  8. Erma Alleen Searle (b. 25 August 1915, d. 2 May 1996)
  9. Max Loveless Searle (b. 16 May 1918, d. 21 September 2010)
  10. Bill W Searle (b. 28 May 1921, d. 11 November 1991)


  • William Hill Searle was born on 29 July 1877 in Salt Lake City, Utah.3,4
  • Father: John Cortland Searle (b 1828 Mo) - Mother: Maria Josephine Hill (b 1840 IL.)4,5
  • He married Rose Alba Loveless, daughter of Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary Lavinia Dimmick, in 1899.1,3,6
  • William Hill Searle was a miner in a gold and silver mine.3
  • He and Rose appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910. They rent their home.5
  • In 1920 William Hill Searle was a general laborer.7
  • He and Rose appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920. They own their home free of mortgage.7
  • In 1930 William Hill Searle was a farmer.8
  • He and Rose appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930. They own their home which is a farm.8
  • He died on 18 September 1952 in Payson, Utah, at age 75.4
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 9 Lot 8 Pos 1.9

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2518] Linda, compiler, family tree titled "Carpenter Family and Related Lines", published by,, from database ID carptree, updated Feb 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , first name of William - incorrect .
  3. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  4. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  5. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .
  6. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Rose Alba Loveless Searle, created by SMS, Cindy Baldogo, added Oct 2008, memorial number 31038729.
  7. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  8. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .
  9. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, William Hill Searle, created by Cindy Baldogo, added Oct 2008, memorial number 3138732.

Iona Searle1

#21611, (1899-1968)
Pedigree Link
Iona Searle Bingham 1899-1968


Children with Joseph Arnold Bingham (b. 11 August 1896, d. 10 October 1979)

  1. Bernell Joseph Bingham (b. 28 December 1919, d. 14 March 2007)
  2. Lucille Bingham (b. 19 September 1921, d. 18 November 2003)
  3. Joyce Bingham (b. 8 February 1927, d. 22 September 2015)


  • Iona Searle was born on 8 June 1899 in Utah.1,2
  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 8 June 1900, in the household of Martin Elmer Loveless and Mary Lavinia Dimmick, her grandparents and her mother.1
  • Iona Searle was also known as Mildred.3
  • She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.4
  • Iona Searle married Joseph Arnold Bingham on 13 April 1918 in Utah.2
  • Joseph Arnold Bingham and Iona appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 5 April 1930.5
  • She died on 28 March 1968 at age 68.2
  • She was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 17 lot 8 pos 4.2

Other Information


  1. [S2517] 1900 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, M E Loveless head of household, roll T623_1687, enumeration district 161, page 9B .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Iona Searles Bingham, created by Cindy Baldogo, added Sep 2008, memorial number 30126344.
  3. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  4. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .
  5. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Joseph A Bingham head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2A .

Nina Miae Searle1,2,3

#21612, (1902-2004)
Pedigree Link
Nina Mae Searle Westover 1902-2004



  • Nina Miae Searle was born on 8 September 1902 in Payson, Utah.1,3
  • She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.4
  • Nina Miae Searle appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.2
  • Nina Miae Searle married Arthur Ellis Westover on 28 June 1920.3
  • She died on 10 October 2004 in Salt Lake City, Utah, at age 102.3
  • She was buried in Elysian Burial Gardens, Millcreek, Utah. Plot: C_127_7.3

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in The Salt Lake Tribune on 14 October 2004

Our loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother died Sunday, October 10, 2004 in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was born September 8, 1902 in Payson, Utah to William Hill and Rose Alva Loveless Searle. She married Arthur Ellis Westover on June 28, 1920. Preceded in death by husband, Arthur, sons: Dee Lon and Ray Dell. Survived by children, Arthur (Jean), South Salt Lake City, Utah; Keith, San Jose, California; Nina Marie Shortino, Sandy, Utah; Gene (Delora), West Valley City, Utah; Richard (Jill), South Jordan, Utah; also, 28 grandchildren, 43 great grandchildren, and 44 great great grandchildren. Funeral services held Saturday, October 16, 2004 at the Deseret Memorial Mortuary, 36 East 700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Interment at Elysian Burial Gardens.

Published in the Salt Lake Tribune on 10/14/2004.3

Other Information


  1. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  2. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  3. [S4988] Find A Grave: Elysian Burial Gardens, Millcreek, Utah, Nina Mae Searle Westover, created by Ryan D Curtis, John Warnke, added Oct 2004, memorial number 9594313.
  4. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .

Lee H Searle1,2

#21613, (1904-1979)
Pedigree Link


Children with Rachel Leyshon (b. 19 April 1906, d. 26 October 1947)

  1. Lee Searles
  2. Rachel Emily Searle (b. 18 May 1928, d. 18 May 1928)
  3. William Hill Searle (b. 18 May 1928, d. 18 May 1928)
  4. Jack Rex Searle (b. 28 May 1934, d. 29 May 1934)
  5. Shirlene Rachel Searle (b. 18 August 1940, d. 29 June 1956)


  • Lee H Searle was born on 6 November 1904 in Payson, Utah.1,3
  • He appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.4
  • Lee H Searle appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.5
  • Lee H Searle married Rachel Leyshon on 2 July 1925 in Spanish Fork, Utah.6,3
  • He and Rachel appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of East 21st South St, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, enumerated on 2 April 1930. They rent their home for $8 a month.6
  • He died on 6 July 1979 in Nephi, Utah, at age 74.3

Other Information


  1. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  2. [S2461] 1930 US Federal Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Lee Searles head of household, roll 2419, enumeration district 13, page 1A . name=Searles.
  3. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  4. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .
  5. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  6. [S2461] 1930 US Federal Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Lee Searles head of household, roll 2419, enumeration district 13, page 1A .

Louie Lavinia Searle1,2

#21614, (1906-1960)
Pedigree Link


Child with Emil Suter (b. June 1903, d. 1973)

  1. Searl Emil Suter (b. 6 September 1927, d. 29 January 1998)


  • Louie Lavinia Searle was born on 3 February 1906 in Rigby, Idaho.1,2
  • She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.3
  • Louie Lavinia Searle appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.4
  • Louie Lavinia Searle married Emil Suter estimated 1925.2,5
  • Emil Suter and Louie appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 2052 Orchard St, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, enumerated on 9 April 1940. They rent their home for $18.6
  • She died on 10 February 1960 in Northlake, Illinois, at age 54.2

Other Information


  1. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  2. [S8394] Miller, Kathryn Novalla, compiler, family tree titled "My Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 81689053, viewed Mar 2022 , .
  3. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .
  4. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  5. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  6. [S2169] 1940 US Federal Census, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Emil Suter head of household, roll m-t0627-01009, enumeration district 103-2813, page 7B .

Zenola Fay Searle1,2

#21615, (1909-1985)
Pedigree Link



  • Zenola Fay Searle was born on 27 January 1909 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • She appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, enumerated on 30 April 1910, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.3
  • Zenola Fay Searle appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.4
  • Zenola Fay Searle married Franz Rudolf Suter on 15 June 1927.2
  • She died on 20 May 1985 in Payson, Utah, at age 76.2
  • She was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: Blk 9 Lot 8 Pos 7.2

Other Information


  1. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Zenola Searle Suter, created by Cindy Baldogo, added Oct 2008, memorial number 31038980.
  3. [S2519] 1910 US Federal Census, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searle head of household, roll T624_1604, enumeration district 0058, page 14B .
  4. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .

Rex Delos Searle1

#21616, (1911-1997)
Pedigree Link
Res Delos Searle 1911-1997



  • Rex Delos Searle was born on 27 April 1911 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.1
  • Rex Delos Searle appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.3
  • Rex Delos Searle married Edra Clayton in 1937.4
  • He married Della Gurr in 1971.5
  • He died on 22 April 1997 in Orem, Utah, at age 85.2
  • He was buried in Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Sandy, Utah. Plot: Garden of the Christus 13-D-2.2

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in The Salt Lake Tribune on 24 April 1997

SPANISH FORK--Rex Delos Searle, died April 22, 1997 at the Orem Nursing and Rehab Center from heart and kidney failure, just five days short of his 86th birthday.

He was born April 27, 1911 in Payson, Utah to William H. and Alba Rose Loveless Searle.

Rex attended schools in Payson and while growing up, helped his father with farm work. When he was 21 he enlisted in the Army for four years and after discharge, he married Edra Clayton in 1937, who preceded him in death at age 52. He later married Della Gurr Baum on February 13, 1971.

He was employed at a steel construction company where he was an expert pattern layout man. Rex was a high priest in the L.D.S. Church and served as a home teacher and did temple work.

He is survived by his wife, Della; and the four children by his first wife, Rexeene (Sonny) Jordan; C. Jack (Kathleen) Searle; and Don Delos (Judy) Searle of Salt Lake City; "RD" (Marsha) Searle of Orem; two stepsons, Dale (Neola) Baum of Spanish Fork; and Dean (Elaine) Baum of Phoenix, Arizona; a sister, Nina (Arthur) Westover, of Salt Lake City; two brothers, Kenneth (Marion) Searle of Salt Lake City; and Max (Dorothy) Searle of Payson; 10 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers and four sisters.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, April 26, 1997 at 11 a.m. in the Spanish Fork 15th Ward Chapel, 310 East Center. Friends and family may call at the church one hour prior to the services. Burial will be at the Memorial Gardens of the Valley, 10600 South 1700 East, Sandy, Utah following the funeral service in Spanish Fork.

Published 24 April 1997 in The Salt Lake Tribune (UT.)2

Other Information


  1. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  2. [S3493] Find A Grave: Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Sandy, Utah, Rex Delos Searle, created by Find a Grave, Lynn Fischer, added Feb 2015, memorial number 142576512.
  3. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .
  4. [S3493] Find A Grave: Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Sandy, Utah, Edra Clayton Searle, created by Find a Grave, Lynn Fischer, added Feb 2015, memorial number 142576571.
  5. [S2448] Find A Grave: Provo City Cemetery, Provo, Utah, Della Gurr Baum, created by Annie Duckett Hundley, Lisa, added Dec 2011, memorial number 81404023.

Kenneth B Searle1

#21617, (about 1914-)
Pedigree Link



  • Kenneth B Searle was born about 1914 in Utah.1
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.1
  • Kenneth B Searle appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.2

Other Information


  1. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  2. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .

Erma Alleen Searle1,2

#21618, (1915-1996)
Pedigree Link



  • Erma Alleen Searle was born on 25 August 1915 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • She appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.1
  • Erma Alleen Searle appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of her parents William Hill Searle and Rose.3
  • Erma Alleen Searle married Joe Don Lopez on 17 February 1933.2
  • She died on 2 May 1996 in Salt Lake City, Utah, at age 80.2
  • She was buried in Redwood Memorial Cemetery, West Jordan, Utah. Plot: Garden of Meditation.2
  • She is survived by 4 children, 19 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren.2

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in Salt Lake Tribune on 3 May 1996

Erma Alleen Searle Lopez, age 80, passed away May 2, 1996 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Born August 25, 1915 in Payson, Utah, the daughter of William Hill and Rose Alba Loveless Searle. Married Joe Lopez, February 17, 1933--solemnized January 29, 1965 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.

Reared and educated in Payson. Graduated from Payson High School. Loved to read, fish and ride horses when she was young. Member of the LDS Church. She held many positions in the church.

Survived by son, Don (Diane) Lopez; three daughters, Dee Unamuno; Bonnie (Roy) Whitworth; Betty (Brad) Cook, all West Valley; 19 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; brothers and sister,Rex Searle, Spanish Fork; Kenneth Searle, Salt Lake City; Max Searle, Payson; Nina Westover, Salt Lake City. Preceded in death by her husband, Joe and son, Jay.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, May 4, 1996, at 2 p.m. Redwood Memorial Estates, 6500 South Redwood Road, where friends may call one hour prior to services. Interment, Redwood Memorial Estates.

Salt Lake Tribune, The ( UT )

Date: May 3, 1996

Page: B15.2

Other Information


  1. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  2. [S5161] Find A Grave: Redwood Memorial Cemetery, West Jordan, Utah, Erma Alleen Searle Lopez, created by Burt, added Jun 2007, memorial number 20067983.
  3. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .

Max Loveless Searle1,2

#21619, (1918-2010)
Pedigree Link
Max Loveless Searle 1918-2010



  • Max Loveless Searle was born on 16 May 1918 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1920 US Federal Census of 460 E 2nd St, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 12 January 1920, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.1
  • Max Loveless Searle appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.3
  • Max Loveless Searle married Dorothy Enola Gardner in 1937.4
  • He married Helen Norma Morgan in July 2006.5
  • He died on 21 September 2010 in Payson, Utah, at age 92.2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: 9_8_5.2

Obit Notice

An obituary was published

Max passed away quietly at home, with his loving wife, Helen Liston Searle, by his side on September 21, 2010 at 2:25 a.m.

Max was born in Payson on May 16, 1918, to William Hill and Rose Alba Loveless Searle.

He was raised and educated in Payson and was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He held many positions in the church. Max married Dorothy Gardner on June 28, 1937. They later went to the Manti Temple for sealing. She passed away December, 2005. He then married Helen Liston on July 29, 2009.

Max served in the U.S. Navy from December, 1943 to December, 1945. He worked at Pacific States Pipe Plant for 35 years before his retirement. He loved hunting and fishing and spending time with his family.

Max leaves one son, Dennis (Jeannine) Searle, of Payson; his wife, Helen; as well as 26 grandchildren; 53 great grandchildren; and 12 great great grandchildren.

He is preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy; mother and father; daughter, June; son, Charles; great-great-grandson, Aaron Dowdle; five sisters and three brothers.

Max made every day a happy day with his singing, jokes, and laughter. Even at the very end, he was still smiling, telling jokes, and making people laugh. His last request when he passed on was to have roses sent to his sweetheart.

He was always concerned for anyone in need. He was a very kind and giving person and cared about everyone's feelings and how they were. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather, and a fabulous sweetheart to his wives. He loved life to the fullest. He will be missed tremendously.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at the Maple Dell Ward Chapel, 274 South Main Street, Payson, Utah. Family and friends may call on Friday evening, September 24, 2010 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Walker Mortuary, 587 South 100 West, Payson, or on Saturday morning at the church from 10:15-10:45 a.m. prior to services.

Interment will be in the Payson City Cemetery, with military rites by American Legion.2

Other Information


  1. [S2338] 1920 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Scarbas (Searles) head of household, ward 2, roll T625_1868, enumeration district 218, page 9A .
  2. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Max Loveless Searle, created by Find a Grave, Barb, added Sep 2010, memorial number 59088974.
  3. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .
  4. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Dorothy Enola Gardner Searle, created by Cindy Baldogo, added Oct 2008, memorial number 31038715.
  5. [S3493] Find A Grave: Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Sandy, Utah, Helen Norma Morgan Liston Searle, created by Amanda Liston Day, added Mar 2011, memorial number 66734808.

Bill W Searle1

#21620, (1921-1991)
Pedigree Link



  • Bill W Searle was born on 28 May 1921 in Payson, Utah.1,2
  • He appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Old field road to West Mountain, Payson, Utah County, Utah, enumerated on 7 April 1930, in the household of his parents William Hill Searle and Rose.1
  • Bill W Searle was a worker in a general office in the metal industry.3
  • He appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 2052 Orchard St, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, enumerated on 9 April 1940, in the household of Emil Suter and Louie Lavinia Searle, his brother-in-law and sister.3
  • Bill W Searle married Thelda Joan King in 1941.4
  • He died on 11 November 1991 in Payson, Utah, at age 70.2
  • He was buried in Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah. Plot: 46_35_1.2

Other Information


  1. [S2339] 1930 US Federal Census, Payson, Utah County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H Searles head of household, roll 2423, enumeration district 0035, page 2B .
  2. [S3493] Find A Grave: Larkin Sunset Gardens Cemetery, Sandy, Utah, Bill W Searle, created by Cherish Liddiard, Beryl Redfield, added Oct 2006, memorial number 16338453.
  3. [S2169] 1940 US Federal Census, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Emil Suter head of household, roll m-t0627-01009, enumeration district 103-2813, page 7B .
  4. [S2492] Find A Grave: Payson City Cemetery, Payson, Utah, Thelda Joan King Searle, created by Cherish Liddiard, Beryl Redfield, added Oct 2006, memorial number 16338489.

Rachel Leyshon1,2

#21621, (1906-1947)
Pedigree Link

Children with Lee H Searle (b. 6 November 1904, d. 6 July 1979)

  1. Lee Searles
  2. Rachel Emily Searle (b. 18 May 1928, d. 18 May 1928)
  3. William Hill Searle (b. 18 May 1928, d. 18 May 1928)
  4. Jack Rex Searle (b. 28 May 1934, d. 29 May 1934)
  5. Shirlene Rachel Searle (b. 18 August 1940, d. 29 June 1956)


  • Rachel Leyshon was born on 19 April 1906 in Leland, Utah.1,2
  • Father: William Leyshon - Mother: Emily Crofts.2
  • She married Lee H Searle, son of William Hill Searle and Rose Alba Loveless, on 2 July 1925 in Spanish Fork, Utah.1,2
  • Lee H Searle and Rachel appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of East 21st South St, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, enumerated on 2 April 1930. They rent their home for $8 a month.1
  • She died on 26 October 1947 in Provo, Utah, at age 41.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2461] 1930 US Federal Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Lee Searles head of household, roll 2419, enumeration district 13, page 1A .
  2. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .

Lee Searles1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2461] 1930 US Federal Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Lee Searles head of household, roll 2419, enumeration district 13, page 1A .

Rachel Emily Searle1

#21623, (1928-1928)
Pedigree Link



  • Rachel Emily Searle was born on 18 May 1928 in Spanish Fork, Utah.1
  • She died on 18 May 1928 at age less than 1 day as an infant.1
  • She was buried in Spanish Fork City Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah.2

Other Information


  1. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  2. [S2435] Find A Grave: Spanish Fork City Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah, William Hill Searle, created by John Warnke, added Nov 2005, memorial number 12497784.

William Hill Searle1

#21624, (1928-1928)
Pedigree Link



  • William Hill Searle was born on 18 May 1928 in Spanish Fork, Utah.1
  • He died on 18 May 1928 at age less than 1 day.1
  • He was buried in Spanish Fork City Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah.2

Other Information


  1. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  2. [S2435] Find A Grave: Spanish Fork City Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah, William Hill Searle, created by John Warnke, added Nov 2005, memorial number 12497784.

Jack Rex Searle1

#21625, (1934-1934)
Pedigree Link



  • Jack Rex Searle was born on 28 May 1934 in Utah.1
  • He died on 29 May 1934 at age 1 day.2,3
  • He was buried in Spanish Fork Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah.3

Other Information


  1. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , .
  2. [S2385] Ken, family web site titled "Scudder Family Tree",, updated Jun 2011, viewed Sep 2011 , day=28 .
  3. [S2435] Find A Grave: Spanish Fork City Cemetery, Spanish Fork, Utah, Jack Rex Searle, created by John Warnke, added Nov 2005, memorial number 12497761.